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Sorry here's the real page guys! I have no idea why I went through the effort of making that panel. I guess the idea of the massive build up to the face being changed into a stunningly handsome face would be a laugh XD


Cobalts face finally changes into the wonderful female red-eyes black dragon! With that the transformation is complete!




I Summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon in Turn-Me-On Mode! (Ok, I'm not really turned on by this, but that's not the point :P )


She is fully ready to unleash her horny energies on the world. Lord take me now, my body is ready, and my excitement is palpable!

Malkai Wot

Don't you dare apologize for the handsome version! If anything I'd like to see more silly stuff :3

Mitchell Pedler

Trust in the hard-on of the cards

Arrienne Begley

And the hair finally disappeared.

Eric Strause

I wonder how much of him or her (in this case) is mentally still there?

Blade Tech

Shouldn’t we get a last image of seeing her full body on display?