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Dom runs to Dezan to beat the ever loving crap out of them for opening the tomb but once she turns them over it's finally revealed who was Dezan this whole time.

The original Dungeon Master, Desire.


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And it was Desire after all, I knew it.


Did the game force her into that role?


It is as I thought: as the dm, you have to play all the villains. Dezan at the start might have been the real deal with the lightning bolt striking the sword but later it definately had to be her given dezan and desire's repeated ooc moments. that half shifted panel is really well done nat. we aren't leaving till she's safe though. I wonder, is what's behind the door the true evil (i suspect so, dan's not had his full second tf yet from what it seems) or our way home. or one then the other.



Krishna Dudhee

Well, this it not going to end well.

Minas Thirith

That explain the hesitations.

Anime Guy

I freaking knew it!

Josh Lefelhocz

Just so I know, is her name pronounced Des-ire, or Des-i-re (like the female name Desiree)