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  • 2Bexam720.mp4




Sorry for the radio silence recently. I've had some IRL stuff I had to deal with, and its been hard to make stuff. But its mostly done with, so I should hopefully be back to making normal stuff again. I should of left a note for you guys, but I didn't realise I'd be out of action for that long.

This animation was easy and semi quick to do while I was experimenting with jiggle phyiscs. I'd start doing some more of my usual lewder stuff soon. Also, I re-did my 2B model, so I can now start doing more 2B animations if I wanted to. Not sure how much I will use the model though, since I still prefer the usual characters I like to use. 


2B exam



Hi Lvl3Toaster, happy to see you again.


Hello, good to know you are back again. exellent job bro , I'll be wait the necesary time and I hope to see in the future a Lightning animation from FF XIII (hairy), anyways I am so glad you are back again.


Welcome back! Hope everything is okay. Thanks for the update, man.

Angelo B.

Cool, was starting to wonder if you had left this mortal coil. Guess I don't have to pour one out for another homie.


YaS the all mighty return


more 2b plz!!


Glad to see ur back. Hope your IRL stuff calmed down dude.

Darasaki Uchiha

Hi lvl3toaster, always gonna support you whatever you're doing, glad to see you back on track! P.S.:More 2B animations gonna be 🔥)


Welcome back thank you


Glad that you're back in action!