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A small preview of my newest animation. Full version will be coming out hopefully this Friday. This is part of the new patreon thing I'm working on. 

Now, a short discussion about my new patreon ideas. 

So I've been racking my brain for awhile now, trying to come up with some ideas for new patreon rewards as well as a new tier for the couple of you guys who're giving me more than $5. This has proven to be a tad bit difficult as I don't have much to give, and I have no plans to move my 1080p animations to a higher tier. 

So my idea for a $10 tier, is to have my animations released a couple of days early for supporters of this tier. This tier so far is experimental, as I am not sure how this will exactly work. Animation releases will likely be early anywhere between 3 to 7 days. The only problem with this is that I have to make sure my animations are ready and completed by then, and I'll have to try to keep this up.  

$5 supporters wont be losing out on anything. They will still have access to all my patreon releases, but 3 days later. In fact, the idea is to have a new reward for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 patreons. At the same time as the early releases, I'll be showing a preview teaser of the release. This will probably be in the form of one image or a small part of the animation. Would this be something that you guys are interested in? Or would this cause unnecessary spam in your email inboxes?  

Any comments or feedback for these ideas are welcome.    



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Sounds wonderful, sign me up


Oh, thank you very much. Didn't expect anyone to catch on that quick. The early releasing should be out real soon.


Oh man this looks great! So stoked


How long is the final animation going to be?


Nice! I like a challenge ;) I'll see what I can do once it releases. And I have the Patreon app that notifies me as well as email notifications.


Thanks man. Does it send you email and app notifications for the posts that you can't see? like the $10 tier post. One of the things I was considering about my new tier and rewards is whether it would just cause alot of unwanted spam in people's inboxes. Since 99% of people wont be able to see the $10 posts anyway.


I haven't received any notifications for that post, no. I did just join the $10 tier, although I still haven't received an email notification for the post so I think Patreon only sends out notifications when a post gets made that can actually be seen. I wouldn't worry about it too much, I'm sure there are plenty of notification settings people can mess around with if they want to.


If thats the case, thats great then. I was worried that by posting too much, it'll cause spam.


Not a fan of "early access" to finished animations, of all the things content creators can come up with for higher cost tiers (pools/wips/animation files) this is the pointless and annoying one


Early access will just end up with animations being leaked most likely, ppl are assholes, and if they get a chance to score fake internet points the'll take it. Look at Vg, his stuff always gets leaked, no exception, but unfortunately i can only point out the problem but offer no solution. With that being said, the preview looks great hype intensifies.


Polls are useless when artists has a clear direction in which he wants to go, with toaster, I'd be straight up opposed to giving away any decision making to the patreons. Wip's, maybe, but it's tricky as it's easy to show too much and ruin the experience of watching the final animation. Animation files, depends how Toaster feels about them but after all it is giving away your trade secrets so not every artist is up for that. Also i bet people who can afford early access don't think like you do.


If you don't mind me asking, can you explain some more on why its annoying or pointless? Not trying to antagonize you for your opinion, I'm just collecting viewpoints and feedback on the new ideas. My thoughts are that 1080p animations are the best things I can actually give. But I don't want to make the 1080p animations $10 just to create a new tier. Also, I don't want to pay gate things too hard. so the idea is that the $5 tiers still get the same benefits as the $10 tier and they wont lose out on content. they just receive their's a couple of days later than $10 tier. $5 Tier is still what most people will choose, tier $10 is to reward the few who wants to give extra. Styro's pretty much hit the nail on the head as well. I'm struggling to come up with idea's for patreon rewards. I am doing some WIP, in the form of previews and sharing some of my ideas. With polls, I do want to eventually do some in future. just to get an idea of what characters people like, opinions on little things, feedback etc. But for now, my patreon is abit too small to get a good poll going. And I can't give away my files. early access and previews are really the best things I can come up with.


I never really thought about people leaking and stealing my early access stuff. If it becomes an actual problem, I might have to watermark the early access stuff, and remove the watermark on public release. But at the moment, I haven't seen even my 1080p videos leaked yet, so I'm abit optimistic about my early access not leaking. I'm not expecting the $10 tier to be that popular, so that helps prevents the leaks. $10 a month is an awful lot of money for free internet points, but then again, you never know with some people honestly.


I saw the first body paint pic posted on some discords but that was available for all patrons so maybe you're right about the 10$ tier being safer.


Well, it definitely sucks that that image is leaked. I'm honestly more bothered about that image leaking then the 1080p ones. People passing around my porn is a given, but if someone were to do my idea months before I can, thats even worst. Atleast I watermarked it I guess. I'll probably release one or two of my body paint animations early. I was hoping to finish shooting star first, but thats going to take a few months. which might be too late by then.


Maybe calling dibs with releasing at least one work to public isn't such a bad idea, that's up to you. Also if it makes you feel safer, i contacted the admin of the server in which it was posted and he agreed to remove it, so there's that at least.


Thanks man. I really appreciate the help. Although, you don't have to work hard for my sake. It's already out there, so it would be a massive bother for you to remove it from everywhere. I'll just have to post it sooner probably.


That's not a problem at all my dude, i think we should all do our part in fighting for a better environment for artists and their work, internet people are too used to getting everything for free, like they don't realize how much time and effort is put in all of this. What will happen will happen, just don't rush it too much, would hate to see your quality go down because you're forced into releasing sooner than you'd like. <3