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Hey everyone.  Just wanted to drop another status update as I'm sure everyone's hoping the next notification will be a game release lol.  

I severely underestimated how long I thought it would take me to finish the rest of the content.  I put another 22 hours in this weekend focused primarily on programming.  Sunday was focused only on posing for one scene.  It was a big scene but still, I forgot how long that can take me sometimes.

On another note, nothing makes you feel dumber then finding out when you're coding artwork into one of the scenes that you find out the exporting images are all rough sketches @.@  It's an animated scene...at least they act as stand in assets so I was still able to code their calls into place.  So what I'm focusing on during the week at night is to chip away at this animation and get it done by Friday.  I'm made really good progress on this last night and tonight though, (preview of it is posted on the voodoo monkey discord in the #patreon channel).  I got the inks for all of the frames flats done.  So tomorrow night I'm going to focus on color and lighting.  I'm creating 2 variations of this scene so I can save time reusing some of the frames with slight modifications for another scene later in the game.

Anyways, sorry again for consistently delaying the release @.@  but I'm really putting all of my spare time and energy into this at the moment.  I'll probably burn out once it's finally released but I still have focus and energy on tap at the moment lol.




Not worth burning out because of a game even if it's your own. Take your time, there's no rush. You are anyways so close to the goal that there's no reason to panic at this point. Next update is ready when it's ready and there's no good reason to sacrifice health because someone doesn't have the patience to wait a bit longer.