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Had a really fruitful dev session this past weekend.  Was able to fully close out the writing minus one scene that I need to go back and embellish on.  I know this sounds super late in the game to say writing was locked down but pretty much everything is being worked on at once.

Most of the artwork is complete but had to add a few more artwork tasks from some of the rewrites generated from this weekend.  But it'll make those scenes so much better and lively.

A lot of the work on the programming is complete, but still need to pose the scenes and code them.  Problem with a lot of the work done with the code was focused on the battle system, but it's still not complete and working properly so I decided a little while ago to just stop working on the battle system and shift gears into changing the scenes into just purely story now.  So less gameplay and more the usual point and click style.  I hope at some point in the future the battle system can get finished and fully functioning but that's for a later update.

Thank you again for you continued patience as I am regularly working on this, it's just a lot of work and I'm still just as dedicated.  But I can only work so fast with my limited time at night during the weekends.

If you have access to the patreon channel in my discord server, you'll see all of the updates I'm constantly dropping into the channel.  To be frank, to keep my sanity and stay head down, I've really only been active in that channel lately.



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