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Hey everyone!  Just wanted to give a quick update on what's been going on.

Currently still packing up the house and hunting for a new place.  Lol you wouldn't believe how hard it's been finding a place that fits our requirements but it's getting there.  We've got a lot of the house packed but still have a bit to go.

Plus needing to be moved out and in a new place by the end of the month, it's been stressful as hell.  I'm waiting to break down my computer desk until last minute so I can still hop onto my desk to draw or plan if I have any time or energy.

Anyways, hopefully we'll get a place lined up and moved and unpacked by early March.

Thank you thank for sticking around and supporting!  I can already feel my creative juices being restored and I'll be back full steam once we get over this hump.



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