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Hey Everyone, I wanted to give a quick update on what's going on.  One, listen to the sweet battle music that was just finished :)

This is custom written and recorded and will act as Battle Music for future content in Lyla's Curse.  This'll also act as announcement music for my next topic.  When I made my last status update about being open to recruiting team members, I didn't realize as many of you would contact me with just a patreon post.  I am very thankful to all of you.  So within a few days of that post, I essentially found a programmer that will be an enormous asset and will be the beginning of great changes happening with Lyla's Curse :)

I introduce Pale Horse to the Voodoo Monkey team!  He's already hit the ground running and we've been discussing a lot of how to improve the code base and reach the various goals I have and how to implement the various features I have listed in my Trello Board.  He's already dived into all of the Lylas Curse code and written up a large improvement list and how to attack each problem.  

The work he's doing right now won't affect the current update nor have any impact on it at the moment.  Right now he's focused on refactoring a lot of the code and will be focused on revamping most of the code to make it a lot smarter and easier to update in the future.  He also has background in art and can also assist where needed in the creation of some art assets which will free me up to focus primarily on project planning, concept art, writing and art itself.

As of right now, the Voodoo Monkey team now consists of the following members:

  • Voodoo Monkey - Artist/Writer
  • Pale Horse - Programmer
  • BRKN HVN - Audio
  • Ninehorsehitch - Discord Moderator / Side Writer

I'm very excited to bring Pale Horse on to the team.  There's going to be a lot of great changes to Lyla's Curse coming up.  One, faster implementation of the complex code that I've had planned for awhile but didn't have time to begin developing, smarter implementation of features in the game like a proper day/night cycle, embarrassment stats, quest system, menu system, smarter environment calling system as well as a proper audio system and much more listed on the trello board.

As far as the current update, there's a lot of story going into this update.  I've taken a snipped of the roadmap for this update.  As you can see, there's a lot of scenes and story going on here.  I'm still pushing through it and it's just not ready yet but it's really getting there.  After I finish this update and push it out, I will begin working more closely with Pale Horse on new content.  This is going to so wonderful!

Also, if you're an environment artist and can emulate my style closely.  Hit me up, taking over the environments will free so much time from me and speed the update process up that much faster as interactive backgrounds take a ton of time to design and draw properly.


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