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I hope everyone has been doing great.  

I wanted to update everyone on where things are sitting and didn't mean to go so long without posting a status update.

So first things first, where does the game stand.  Right now, I hate to say this but the update isn't ready yet to send out.  I'm still working on a lot of things for it.  I know it's been awhile but I've been working very steadily on it and if you follow the discord, you'll see how active I've been.  There was a few set backs that I didn't account for that slowed my progress down.  Some personal issues with work caused a lot of stress over the past month and also I spent a lot of time trying to come up with faster methods, or shortcuts or even new processes to produce content faster for Lyla's Curse.  I think all in all, it ended up slowing me down and made me realize that you really can't take shortcuts to straight up drawing a full environment or all of the various sprites.  It just is what it is, I just need to buckle down and continue to push through the content to the best of my ability.

Other news.  There has been a lot of other development going on though:

New Twitter Account:  https://twitter.com/MonkeyVoodoo 

New Pornhub Account:  https://www.pornhub.com/users/voodoomonkey 

Did that say Pornhub?  Yes it did!  With Pornhub, I can post up process videos showing some of the more wholesome content for your viewing pleasure!  Youtube doesn't like wholesome content and I couldn't think of a better place to put that content ^_^ (There's already 3 videos on there! and lots of images that you've probably already have seen.)

Also, a couple of days ago we had an incredibly bad thunder storm.  Lightning struck right next to our house and wound up causing a huge power surge.  Luckily my rig survived but the electronics in my living room all blew up.  (Blew through the surge protectors, how crazy is that?) Oh well, I've replaced most of the electronics so far but it is what it is.  I have some more behind the scenes content to share which will be posted on separate posts.  

I've been throwing around the idea of creating a team to help speed up the development cycle since the scope of this game is larger than what I originally thought it would be.  So if anyone sees the potential in my project and would like to be apart of it, I would be willing to talk!  For a team, what I would be looking for is the following:

1) Programmer - Understands Renpy and Python and can program the scene animations like shown in the game.

2) Background Artist - Someone who can draw the environments and various UI assets and buttons in my style.

If I can build a team with these individuals, that would allow me to focus primarily on Character and Scene art as well as writing and project planning.  This would speed up the process tremendously and allow Lyla's Curse to come to fruition a lot faster!




Thanks for the update, sorry about the lightning and other trials and tribulations! I'm not worried about the delay, I'd prefer quality over quantity, and I'm glad you're working to maintain that quality 😊


yo Voodoo can you send me a private message? I need more info on the programming part ;)


Sure thing, but for some reason I can't seem to send you a message :/. Are you on discord? I can reach out to you on there as well.


Thanks man, it means a lot hearing and it's very encouraging. I'm constantly trying my best for everyone, it's just a ton of work so it takes time.