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Hey Everyone!   I wanted to promote another game I stumbled upon about a month ago called "Female Agent" by Crushstation

 Female Agent is a text-based RPG that stars a Western intelligence officer who's sent undercover into Bangkok's red light district.  She'll have to navigate her way through a sex-fuelled urban underbelly to take down a dangerous international terrorist.
Will she succeed or become trapped in Bangkok's criminal underworld? 

The writing in this is fantastic and the developer really knows how to pace the writing properly.  The game is in its early stages but has so much potential.  I would highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already.  

Even Lyla offered to join the agency to undertake the mission....well she's under the impression they can break her curse...Actually, I don't know if she's aware of what the mission entails.

Crushstation Patreon 

Latest Public Build 



Kolbeinn Máni

I played it a few weeks ago I think, the most compelling text-based game I've ever played, in the sense that it was pretty good and unlike all other pornographic text-based games, actually managed to hold my attention until I reached the end of the build.


Love your art :) Really fantastic. I cant create that :(