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Hey everyone!  The update is getting there I swear!  I'm still working through some of the logic.  This build will be a bit light on actual H-Content as I've been focusing on developing the framework for Lyla working in the Pawnshop as that's going to be a core aspect of that section of the game when not pursuing the story that'll take her to different areas.

I ended up back tracking a little bit as I came up with a better way to improve the "shopping" experience or in laymans terms, a better way for the player to deal with Lyla working in the store.  My original plan for player interaction didn't sit right with me.  I came up with a proper mini game idea that I"m happy with that I think adds just enough player interaction to be engaging and thoughtful while not taking a lot of time or being grindy in any way.  I've been really racking my brain to come up with a proper solution with this regard as I do not enjoy playing these types of games to only play a tedious mini game in order to make 2 gold to buy a thing that costs 800 gold.  So I stressed this point in design for a simpler interaction.  

I won't spoil it but I think it'll be pretty cool.  Anyways, It's getting there.  I posted a link to my trello board.  Specifically the task list for this update so you can see what's going on and to add some transparency.  Hit me up with any questions ^_^



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yeah, yeah, getting there.... is still not here though LOL.