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I'm back from visiting family for the holidays!  Well I've back for about a week now and am readjusted from the jetlag (13 hour difference).  That kicked my but last week but now back to work :)  It feels good to be back in my studio.

While I was out, I had very poor internet so I couldn't keep up with discord or patreon that well but I'm catching back up to everything and have begun working on Lyla's Curse this weekend.  I was able to do a decent amount of writing while on the plane and random sketching.  I still need to transfer all of my notes into my computer.

So I'm planning to finish up my tasks for this update and roll it out this month (most likely towards the end of the month).  There are some coding tasks that might take me a little longer to figure out as I'm working on more complicated scripting that I haven't done before.  

Thank you everyone for your continued support!  You have no idea how appreciative I am of it as it allows me to focus and devote a ton of energy into development :)




Two weeks is a big holiday period :)