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Hey Everyone!  I hope you had a Memorial Day if you're in America!

Since the android update for version 0.1.31, I took a small break after releasing the Android port (created by Booom313) to recover my brain.  I burned out a little from the release preparation and lack of sleep but I'm back into the swing.  I've been working on some side work for Lyla's Curse and currently still planning the new tasks and content for the next update.  Now that the update has been out, I've had side content that I've been wanting to finish up send to you everyone :)  I know I mentioned something about side stories awhile ago and those will be coming very shortly now.  I just need to finish the cover images.

Thank you again for supporting me and this project!  You have no idea how much this means to me and I keep putting my freetime into pushing this vision forward ^__^

I'm having so much fun working on this and creating new content for everyone.  I know I'm not the fastest at creating content for the game but I'm assure you, I'm constantly looking for ways to become faster without sacrificing quality.

A fun fact, during the V0.1.31 release, I was hit by Patreons safety administration for needing to correct my patreon page as it did not fall within their guidelines.  Luckily it ended up being not that big of a deal, I had some posts that were listed for the public that were a little too naughty so I had to comb through and hide and images resembling Lyla doing something not so proper.

Something I'm excited for but have been hesitant to announce is that I've upgraded my studio once again with your support.  I've setup a mini recording/mixing studio now (I'll post a picture later of the setup) and picked up some new instruments to help me in the endeavor.  I don't know when I'll have time to compose and record the music/sound effects but I it is something I have planned and have been wanting to try doing for awhile.  I've never done it before but have always wanted to attempt it so I'm totally ready for all of the snickering and laughing when I post up those samples. :)




Oooh that sounds neat! I'm all ears if you can make some moe magical girl sounding industrial or aggrotech! I'm trying to imagine that for a moe-moe disembowelment tactical (xcom'y) cyberpunk game. It would be cool to hear how you would imagine it! :)