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Here is the new update of Growth Zone !


What's new ?

-Added pause menu

-Added head bobbing

-Added a Extra 3D Hub

-Added 3 skins for Toy Chica

-Added orbs will now be randomly distributed in the map

-Added Loading screen

-Added a password PLAYGTS

-The XP bar will no longer appear when you collect an orb

-Better UI


Download the game HERE



Short but vary cool so far. I just wish she could be more playful. I know its vary early to say anything but if I could point out a few things I think might be nice... 1 she never stops moving, this made it to easy to know were she is. If you gave her a stop and look around She could see me better, and I would know to hide by the fact I don't hear stomping. 2 I can hid under stuff and she can't get me. I know that's the point of it, but Feels silly that I feel so safe standing in any spot a look under things from time to time would be cool. Even if it just makes her stand by the player. If she waved her hand under the table to try and get the player to come out, maybe lifted a foot to show us what she wants, it would be super cute. 3 Winning is a bummer and loosing is a bummer. the stomp is over so fast I blinked and missed it, and I really like getting stepped on. And winning right now feels worse then loosing as I don't even get a "you do it." Just back to title screen. 4 She dose not do anything other then walk. I know the game is super new but she never dose any thing like bend over or sit down or try to get the player to come out. It would be nice if we could play with her a bit, like having some none game over stomping before you pick up your first orb. 5 We can only walk, run and jump. I think It would be cool if we could lay down and give up to her, or hide in something not so smart to hide in. Like a pizza box only for her to pick it up. Any way this game is so well polished I can't believe what I just played its so awesome that any one could have made it. you got an 11 out of 10 from me. Can't wait to see what's next.


Thank for your response, I completely forgot to mention that from this update now on you can crouch. Don't worry, AIs will be more developed in the futures updates. They will do other actions than walking. As for the level victory, the nexts updates will add rewards with XP levels. I don't want to push my animator friends to do the animation right away either. He has projects in progress (very good ones even) and I don't want to stop him from doing those projects in progress. Don't worry, The game is still in its infancy, many things are coming soon