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Your fine, life's hard, take as long as you need


It's been and still is a stressful time, for the world and you personally. It's incredible how you keep going despite the shit that happened. You are awesome


It's all good my man, you do you and our support is always here 4 u


An explanation is fine, no apology needed


Is good keep Goin strong love the content still


It's all good, regardless of how much or how fast you put out content it still is amazing as always.


cent, you are one of the best content creators I know. Do not stress yourself, take your time. the most important thing is that you are ok, everything else is just a bonus. take care!


For Jupiter's sake, don't push yourself cent. If things take time then let them take time. We're here to SUPPORT you, not FORCE you. Always priorities your own wellbeing, or everything else will suffer... so please take your time


Ceeeeent. We understand, pls no push yourself! It's alright to take breaks! Your mental well-being is first!

Andoion Malvon

Your wellbeing comes first. Take ALL the time you need you need it like everyone else 👍.


Cent, it's okay to need some time off for yourself! We'll always be here, so take as much time as you need


Patreon is like kickstarter. I'm throwing money away with no expectation of anything. If anything pops out of the well, then it's a pleasant surprise.


Don't worry about it! We all love your stuff and if we have to wait a bit longer we will. Take care of yourself first!


take care of yourself!

Jathby Dredas

Listen, I support a lot of artists. If that was a slow month for you, you are *way* ahead of the curve.


I can't even say 'don't worry about not putting out content' because you *did* put out a fair bit of content last month. So instead I'll say don't worry about not meeting your own high standard of how much content you should be able to create in one month

Kaiser Snider

Take your time. You keep making amazing content and I been one to support quality over quantity. The quality you've kept is great and I can't wait to see more of what you have to offer.


Lads, looks like we need to bust out the head pats.

Enrico Migliorini

Hey friend, don't stress out and don't be ashamed. I'm here to support one of my favorite artists, not to scream that I want more content. It's rough for everyone, take some time if you need.