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its nothing serious but i will be taking it more slowly when it comes to drawing. last month I've done a lot of drawings and have been straining my wrists.

I still plan to draw more but leaning to the side of caution will be slowing it down. drawing really makes me happy and I don't plan on letting you all down

im sorry for the inconvenience and i hope for your patience 




No issue at all , drawing so much will natural strain your body! Rest , relax and do what you need to recover no one will fault you for doing so.


Take care of yourself. Also use this as an opportunity to learn how to draw with your feet.


I wrecked my wrists by overworking for 4 years straight so yeah, take it easy


Your body certainly should come first. Try and take care of yourself. There are many ways to prevent/alleviate wrist pain though. Taking a break and stretch your hands out certainly helps. Hope you get better soon!


I am happy at whatever pace you are comfortable with! For me, at least, don't feel obligated!

Blood Raven

Take a break its fine, it'll be nice and it doesn't mean you have to stop doing what you love! If you really feel like your slacking off, don't fret, we understand and care, otherwise we wouldn't be your patrons.


Don't strain yourself my Centurion. Your loyal legion will wait until the end of the world for you.