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“It is not impressive other than its color. The one on the right is much bigger,” said Taren as the carriage turned toward the gates of the establishment.

The disappointment could be seen in his eyes.

“Yes, it is small compared to the one opposite side, but Silver here had done a wonderful job on it.” “That anyone who comes here didn’t leave without praising it,” replied Ronda, but the disappointment didn’t disappear.

“This is the place where all the new changes you have been seeing in all the brothels in the past year had come from,” he added, and the interest had finally lit in those blue eyes.

“So, you were the one, who had thought those changes?” he asked, turning his to me. “They were already there, my lord; I had just improved them,” I replied humbly.

Taren didn’t say anything and turned to the establishment.

On the way, I thought of discoursing him but quickly gave up the idea. Javier Ronda won’t let that happen.

‘It is a good thing I had planned for this,’ I thought.

I had thought of the possibility that he might come to the establishment, and he did. Hope the preparations I have made will be enough.

Since he had decided to come to the establishment; I will give him the experience that he will never forget in his life.

The carriages stopped, and we got out. I noticed six of his rhinos had also entered inside. They have crushed plants and broken the trees and their handlers didn’t seem to care much about it.

Anger couldn’t help, but rise in my heart, but I calmed myself down and turned to Taren. Only to see him looking at me and there is a surprise in his eyes.

“There are quite a lot of skills here and they are good. Do you have a skill that lets you find people like that?” he asked.

He is not the only person who has asked me about the search skills.

It is because of the charms and effects they bring. A single skill couldn’t achieve that; at least dozens would be needed to achieve this.

Search skills are extremely rare types of skills, that lets one find people with specific skills. They are one of the most desired skills in every field. Especially in armies, where the people with those skills are treasured.

“No, my lord. I am just lucky,” I replied, and he looked at me a moment longer, before walking toward the door.

I am a little surprised too, with his ability to sense the effects. The power of charms is intentionally concentrated inside the establishment. On the outside, it is not that strong.

“Welcome to the velvet restaurant, Lord Zanav,” greeted Ashton as Zanav entered the establishment.

The moment he did, he stopped for a moment and looked at me, but didn’t say anything and looked ahead.

“I thought this was a brothel?” he asked, with a frown on his face, “The first floor is a restaurant, my lord. If you give us a chance, we will serve you the best food in Greltheaven,” I said, really hoping he would agree.

He shook his head.

“I am not hungry for food,” he replied. I smiled and led him toward the elevator.

He didn’t immediately step on it; three of his guards went inside and the elevator went up. A few seconds later, it came back with one guard.

“It is clear, my lord,” the guard said, and he stepped into the elevator.


“The man coming is important. I hope, you girls will be a little flexible,” said Madam Caena.

She seemed worried; I had never seen her as worried as this.

It seemed like the flashes of worries; I had seen on her face for the past week had been about this.

I heard the man coming is the son of Count Zanav, a noble house famous for their cannon cavalry. I remember my father speaking about them in one of his lessons, praising the power of their cavalry.

“Do you want us to sleep with them?” I asked, and I got a strange look from all the girls.

It is a brothel; this is what we do.

Silver seemed to be worried about this. He had closed the top floor today, which had never happened, and also changed the seating. He even brought the new furniture.

Now, there is only seating for nine people.

The number of girls has been reduced too. Of twenty-eight, only twelve were present, five of which had come from the lower floors.

He had chosen each of us specifically to be here today. I feel like, there is something common in all of us, but I can’t seem to guess what.

I would have, if I had mingled with girls and made some friends, instead of being cooped up in my room at every minute of free time.

“No; that is your choice. Master Silver is adamant about it,” she replied, and I heaved a sigh of relief.

I am the only one here among twelve who didn’t sleep with patrons. I didn’t since I came here and never want to do it again, but might need to do it if Silver had forced me to.

My survival is important. Everything else comes after.

“I just want you girls to be more open. Accept some behavior that you all wouldn’t normally,” she added.

She looked uncomfortable, and ashamed, asking for it.

Seeing that, I couldn’t help but sigh. I understood it far too well.

The elevator moved up and I could see Taren looking at the second and third floor, with interest lighting up in his eyes.

Let’s hope it would be enough to stop him from doing things that he did in other brothels.

Finally, the elevator stopped at the top floor.

I had changed it. I had brought the different furniture and even reduced the girls. Half of the girls aren’t the ones, who usually work on the top floor, but I had chosen them here to serve the most powerful patron ever come to the establishment.

Because they are resilient, adaptive, and great in conversation, best to deal with Taren and his lackeys.

“Welcome to the Velvet Garden, my lord,” greeted Caena.

Taren looked at her for a moment and found her uninteresting, before turning to girls. Immediately, interest flashed in his eyes with lust.

“This tiny city wouldn’t be boring after all,” he said as he walked inside and sat on a sofa between Bell and Umiva.

“I will leave you to your pleasure, my lord. Enjoy the night,” I said and turned to leave. “Stay,” said Taren.

I wanted to take leave, but seeing him looking at me. I stopped and nodded.

I have enough information about him to understand the kind of person he is and in front of him, I couldn’t show any weakness. If I did, he would use it to exact his sick pleasure.

“Whore, serve us the drinks,” said the man with green hair to Caena. His name is Baspel Strong.

Caena smiled and took out the bottle from the shelf and served them; even Taren didn’t refuse the glass. All of the bottles of liquor were expensive; to get some, even money wasn’t enough.

“It is good,” said Baspel as he took the sip before pushing his mouth between Gilda’s cleavage and began drinking from it.

I could see the flash of anger appearing in her eyes, but she let out a joyful giggle.

I watched without the slightest change in my expression, hiding all in my heart. It is the reason why I wanted to get away because I didn’t know whether I would be able to control myself, seeing them do such things.

I have to bear it. If not, then the worst thing waits for me and the girls.

“It is really a fun way to drink, Baspel,” said Ronda, and pushed his filthy mouth between the bountiful cleavage of Grisel and poured the wine over it.

Seeing that, the others begin to do the same; the only one who remains sitting is Taren. He always sits, getting more pleasure by watching others, than doing things himself.

In all brothels he visited since leaving the Eglin; he had only acted twice.

“There is nothing better than drinking from the whore,” said Baspel wiping his mouth from the back of its sleeve.

“And eating,” said Lomus with a grin. “Yes, we will do that, later, but first, let's play our favorite game,” said Baspel and a bubbling anger rose in my heart, knowing the humiliating thing they are planning too.

I was opening my mouth when felt the gentle hand of Caena on my back. I looked at her and saw Caena faintly shaking her head.

“My lord, will these two be playing?” asked Lomus. Looking at Bell and Umiva. “Of course, they are whores too,” he replied lazily, and the eyes of his lackeys lit up.

“All of you stand against that wall. You too, madam,” instructed Baspel, pointing at Caena.

“It would be my honor, sir,” said Caena with a smile and stood gained the wall.

They all looked at all thirteen girls, with sick joy in their eyes, while I watched powerlessly, angry at them, but angrier at myself.

They watched them for a few seconds before Baspel and three others put their hands in their bags and took out a fistful of crystalline-looking metallic coins.


The coin of ten imperials, and together they have at least a hundred coins in their fists, which is a huge money.

“The rules of the game are simple; collect the coins we will throw, but only one person could keep them.”

“Thus, you will have to fight with each other till only one will remain. The coins will belong to that whore,” said Baspel, and with him, the others also threw the coins in the air.

Clink Clink Click

I have never found the sounds of coins clattering as humiliating as I am right now.

“If you finish, the game within ten minutes; I will double the reward,” said Taren lazily as the girls watched the coins.

They watched the girls with a smile, but soon the smile on their faces dimmed. When they saw, not a single one stepped toward them. They watched the coins and there was a desire in their eyes for them, but there was something more.


Seeing that, the smiles on wiped away from their faces and their expressions turned ugly.

‘That’s my girls,’ I said, feeling proud, like I had never in my life.

I have been proud of many things, my business, my levels, but those things couldn’t compare to the pride I am feeling for these girls right now.

From the first day they entered the establishment; I had tried to instill that in them.

They sell their bodies, doesn’t mean, they are not people. They deserve to feel self-respect, as any other man does.

“I will triple it,” said Taren, all the laziness gone from his eyes, and now there is a spark of anger.

That anger burned. When he saw there wasn’t much reaction, even after tripling the reward.

“Ten times. I will increase the reward by ten times!” He said, nearly shouting.

Gone was the composure, the nobility he was projecting, and now he just acting like the spoiled brat he was, who wasn’t getting what he wanted, and that made him angry.

The reward is huge, and many want it, but they do not want to sacrifice their self-respect.

It is too important to them, more important, than any material wealth. Unlike wealth, no one can take it from them; it is theirs as long as they deserve.

Bell seemed to find it all funny.

A small smile appeared on her face. It is clear, she wanted to laugh, but holding back. It is not just her, but many other girls, have mirth in their eyes.

He saw that. The burning anger exploded.

“It seemed like these things forget they are whores.” He said with a smile. It is not warmth that is radiating the warmth, but bubbling fury.

“Boys, tear apart their clothes and fuck them till they remember the filthy dregs of society they are! Make them understand the price of pride, till nothing of it remained in them!” He shouted with his whole being shaking.

“Gladly, my lord,” said Ronda, and walked toward the girls with the rest of the lackeys.

“My lord, we would be grateful if you would also give us the opportunity,” said the bald guard, looking lustfully at the girls.

“Don’t worry, you will also get the chance after they are done with it.” He said, and many guards grinned. The only one who seemed opposed to it was a middle-aged man, but he didn’t say other than shaking his head.

“Enough!” I thundered and appeared in front of the girls.



Thanks for the chapter! Glad to see silver step up to defend them, but I wonder how he's gonna play this. It seems like this guy is a very dangerous enemy to have.


Saw this coming the moment they mentioned him.