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Bamm Bamm Bamm

The barrage of thunder lances came at me, while at the same time, Knight and two others attacked me from three sides.

The bastards have killed all my death guards and special zombies and now attacking me insistently, not giving me even a single chance to attack.

The only thing I could do was cast multiple bone shields to defend and chill domain to slow them down, but both of them barely working.

The old bastard Blackstone was attacking me in a mad, mad flurry of powerful spells and had cast protection on the two warriors, which warded off the most adverse effect of my chill domain.

As for the Knight, the bastard does not need any protection; his aura is more than capable of doing that.

If I hate anyone here most after Blackstone, then it is the Knight, but I would also love to get my hands on his body. If I get it, I will be able to make a very powerful Zombie Knight, if lucky, then a Death Knight.

It will make me very powerful.

I had four Zombie Knights once upon a time; those were my golden years. If not for the incident in the grim valley, I would have still had them, and these bastards wouldn’t have been able to force me to this degree.


Another thunder lance crashed against his bone, and to my shock; the lance, with its 30% power intact, pierced through the bone and stuck me before I could act to defend against it.


A buzzing sound rang out as the defensive layer covering my body nearly collapsed. It would have completly collapsed if the power of the thunder lance had even been slightly stronger.

I looked at the grinning face of the old bastard and then at myself and came to a realization.

I need to run away.

I couldn’t stay here anymore; they would get me eventually, and the price of that would be huge if I ended up losing this body on which I had spent a fortune.

I wouldn’t be able to afford another one of this level.

I cast more bone shields and filled them with greater power than before.

Earlier, I had been careful about conserving mana, but now there is no need to worry about it, as I am going to escape.

There will be some punishment, but it will be much less painful than losing this body.

The old bastard seemed to have caught what I was planning to do as the grin on his face vanished, and his expression turned serious.

“It is trying to run away!” shouted Blackstone and shot even more powerful thunder lances at him.

As the Knight heard it, the aura around him thickened that even he began to feel a slight suppression, while the other two burst out with their full power and came at him, but my shields moved, stopping them in their tracks.

Still, I was quite surprised to see their power; they were hiding quite a lot and would have gotten me if I had continued fighting.

Thankfully, I am escaping.

I did not waste any time, and immediately, a scroll appeared in my hand, and the eyes of Blackstone widened in shock.

Scroll of Teleportation.

My life-saving measure; had cost me a lot, but it was worth it. Nothing is more important than surviving.

“Next time we meet, I will fucking kill you all,” I swore vengeance and unfurled the scroll, ready to teleport out of this wretched island.


But to my utter shock, nothing happened.

The shining scroll suddenly frizzled and furled itself back; seeing that shock couldn’t help but appear on my face before I turned to the bastard Blackstone.

I could sense what that bastard had done.


He casted the disruption and successfully disrupted the teleportation spell. The spell scrolls are easier to disrupt than the spell casted by the person.

“You wretched bastard!” I cursed loudly at Blackstone with all the rage in my heart and unfurled the scroll again.

It lit again, but a second later, it fizzled out like the last time.

“Since you have come here, you better stay lich,” said Blackstone with a grin. “I am a lich; you can’t kill me,” I said back.

“I could not kill you, but I could destroy this precious body of yours. I am sure it will give you quite a backlash,” replied Blackstone with mirthful eyes.

“You can only dream,” I said and activated the ring of greater haste and moved at a speed that surprised even Blackstone.

“Follow it,” shouted Blackstone and cast haste on himself and others to chase after him.

‘Greedy bastard!’ I cursed.

He might have tried to hide it, but he could see the greed in the old man’s eyes.

Given how the old bastard fought and the arsenal of spells he had, he could have run away easily. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything to him, but he stayed, and the reason is me.

The bastard is after my wealth; while I am not carrying all his wealth since I am a lich, I am still carrying a fortune, including my body.

Blackstone wants it all, but he will not have it; as soon as I create enough distance between them and me, I will activate the teleportation scroll.

Boom Boom Boom

Blackstone is throwing spell after spell at me, but with greater haste, I am dodging the most, while those I could not dodge, I am defending with my bone shields.

With each step, the distance between them widened, and in a minute, I would be able to activate the scroll without any problem.

Soon, I was out of the grove, and to my surprise, I saw a group of humans in front of me, fighting a small group of undead.

I did not change my course to avoid humans; I did not want to do something that would make them catch up to me.

So, I directly moved toward humans; they froze seeing me coming toward them, especially the young human, who was in my direct way.

To my surprise, he took less than a moment to come out of shock and swung his sword toward me; seeing that, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.

I love it when weakling shows the spirit; it is always fun to crush with absolute force.

Especially now, when I had failed to kill any one of those bastards, crushing him will make me feel good.

Bone Scythe!

I cast, and a long bone scythe appeared in front of me and shot toward the young human, whose eyes widened in horror again, but his sword did not stop.

The lich was coming toward me, and now he cast a scythe of bone; he could feel the sharpness of the scythe and knew it would cut him into two.


I heard Eva screaming my name; it should have been louder, but I could only faintly hear it for some reason.

Likely because I am watching the scythe of death coming to reap my life.

It filled me with horror, but I did not stop my attack, and instead pushed my rapier with every bit of the strength and skill I had and also activated the enchantment of the rapier at its full power, which I hadn’t done till now.

There was no need to; it was able to cut everything with low power, and I also didn’t want to spend all power of the enchantment, as they are very expensive to service.

Now, I did not care about that.

It did not take even a second for the scythe to reach me and move past my rapier.

I wanted my rapier to clash against it, but it easily avoided it and came toward me, while the leach appeared directly in front of me, while my sword moving toward its heart.

It did not seem to be worried about that, and I wouldn’t have been if I had been in its place, given the difference of power between us.

Even if my sword hit it, I don’t think it would be able to do anything to it, but I have to try. If I am dying, then I want to die, giving my all against the enemy.

Finally, the scythe reached me; I felt it touch the button of my bloody shirt.

Time seemed to slow down for me that moment as I saw the scythe cleanly cutting through the button before touching my skin.


I braced for the pain and death that would come, but instead, I heard a cracking sound, and the blue layer of energy covered me; as it did, the bone scythe turned to powder.

It shocked me, but it also shocked the lich who had appeared very in front of me, and my sword, which was now covered in blue energy like my body is less than an inch away from its heart.

Its eyes widened in shock, and it tried to stop itself, but its speed was too fast to stop immediately.

The tip of my sword touched its pale skin, which I found covered in a thin layer of grey energy, which my sword pierced without any problem before burrowing in its heart.


A sound rang as the sword pierced through its heart. It was more like it was skewing itself into my rapier with sheer momentum.


It cursed at me with rageful eyes, and I saw a huge black bolt coming from its staff and hitting me, but like a scythe, it also turned into dust, the moment it hit the blue layer of energy covering me.

The layer became immediately paler as it happened.


I could see the light in its eyes, and its staff began to glow again, and I thought I would truly die when an arrow pierced through the skull of the lich from behind.

At the same time, I saw a great sword piercing through its chest, sliding across my sword, and a silvery flash coming and cutting its head cleanly.


As it happened, the body of the lich crashed into me hard, giving me a glimpse of three people behind, who dealt the final blow to the lich.


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