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Bit of a Monster Man audio for you for the SFW crowd. With the announcement that I am moving I will be posting extra audios here and there, admittedly selfishly to keep some of you guys around and to bring in new people. I really do appreciate all you guys do and your continued support, it means so much to me.

Also a reminder, still 8 days left for spooky season if you want any special commissions and/or you're a part of Fictional Boyfriend tier, slots are open!



I commissioned this one!!! :)))


You're moving? I must've missed the announcement! Hope it's a positive


I mentioned it in a recent tiktok, but yes, my landlady is being toxic, loud, and won't respect me. She certainly won't turn her music down or use an inside voice, she is going deaf, and cost of living where I am is too high so I'm trying to move out of state.