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Hello you Chads,

With 43% of your votes, Widowmaker come back for you with a little souvenir from the Spa... (Too bad for the New Fable Protagonist, maybe next time)

Remember when she coom in Dva's Spa Day? Her c*ck and b*lls inflate big time!
Well here is the full size of the monster in the last pictures!

I know you Chads enjoy Widow from the HCU, so I hope you'll like these little treats from her...

And now, something completely different.

A french creator working with a french character... during french riots:

You've probably heard about the recent riots in France.
Let me tell you it's hell out there!

With all the ruckus outside (firecrackers, police, screaming, raids...)
I couldn't even sleep... so I'll have a little delay for the Cshot, nothing big though.

They burn shops, cars, police stations, bus, bus stops, trees (?!) school...
It's out of control.
I just hope they won't randomly burn my car or burst into my building...

Anyway, I wish you a good week-end none the less!
And I hope we'll have brighter days pretty soon...

Take care mah Chads!




Thanks HC and stay safe :O Amazing pics btw, would love to see even more of her in the future and even better, in blender >:]


Awesome stuff! And stay safe 😄 We will get through this mess. 🍤 I think the last time we had this in France it didn’t last too long… right? :B


I don't know mate, 2005 was a mess :/ Gilets jaune was never ending... But yeah I hope we'll have a brighter future soon enough. Take care of you if you're in France right now, Matrix


Please stay safe and be careful out there!


Hope to see soon on Widow make NNN.