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Hello you Absolute Legends,

I hope you have a wonderful time exploring Limgrave in Elden Ring!
Personally I try to avoid the urge... I'll discover it later so please avoid spoilers on Discord :D

As you can see I've been practicing poses on Blender.
With the delicate yet super useful art of "camera and lightning".

Compared to SFM, manipulating your camera/lights is a totally different thing!
You can litteraly custom everything you want, but you can easily lose yourself with all these possibilities... I still have things to learn regarding this.

Next to this, I got the usual type of bugs like, one day something works perfectly and the next day it doesn't work anymore... It's super annoying especially when you don't know why it doesn't work!

It would be a shame not to share a little futa picture, so here is futa D.va :)
I've tried two different PP on her, personally I prefer the one in the japanese room.
The hard part (like mega hard) with futanaris, is that you have to manually merge every  vertices of the PP to the D.Va model.
It's hard to explain, but it's a long and tedious process, and it's pretty easy to make mistakes, same thing for the jiggle effects... So wish me luck for this!

I should also be careful with all these tutorials I'm watching/reading.
It's good to learn, but without breaks, I'm beginning to confuse things or even forget some, so I should be more careful on how I learn new stuffs

Next up, I want to try to create my very own environment (map) like an appartment or something...
And of course... ANIMATING!!! o_o
The hardest yet best form of expression in my kind of art.

I'm going back to work now!
I see you soon for more infos and previews about my work ;)




Good luck, honey! Luck and patience to you


Impressive improvement 😃. I hope you won't burn out with this amount of material to absorb! Good luck 🤞


Love the dva futa, hope to see more