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As you might know, i use to have temporary jobs next to my NSFW creations.
It help me to gain a bit more money so i can avoid starvation :D

I realized that i can begin to "live" with my creations only.
Which is great ! I'll just have to cut useless spending like Netflix, video games...
hobbies basically!
It should be alright.

So good bye IRL works, and welcome full-time NSFW creation!

BUT, things are gonna get a bit different...
As a croissant (french person), i'll have declare myself as a self-entrepreneur
(i don't know how to translate it in english correctly)
which means NSFW creation will be my main and only job.
That's for the good news, the bad news is i'll have to pay monthly taxes to my country according to my incomes. I don't know how much yet, but i'll let you know as soon as i have the info.
I want my business to be 100% legit, so i have no other choice to do this for the well-being of my Patreon and my excessively huge futanari babes.
Because in France, you can't gain a certain amount of money whitout paying taxes. Logic!

Speaking of incomes, i was wondering if i should "hide" it any longer on my page.
Realizing that i don't have any objections about it, i decided to unhide my incomes to my generous patreons.

I think it's a good way to have transparency with you guys, but i really want to know your opinion about it. Is it a good idea? A bad idea? Dumbledore was gay all along?
Tell me in the comment fams, it's important for me!

Once again, i want to thank every single one of you for your support.
Honestly i would be in deep without you... Physically and mentally.
It's a great experience to live by my own creations, it's hard sometimes...
But hopefully, you guys are here to make it real :)

Don't hesitate to share and spread my work (the public one) amongst our futa-lovers comrades/communities. It would help me a LOT!
In exchange, i promise you some legendary fap in front of my creations!
That's what i call teamwork!
What do you think? Deal? ;)

I see you guys soon for some animated preview with Hana and Amélie!
Love, HoneyChan.




I'm guessing most of us aren't familiar enough with all of the reasons you'd want to keep those numbers hidden or not to give you good advice, but we all can see that your heart is in the right place.


Hey it sounds like you're doing pretty well if you're able to self sustain off patreon! I feel ya on the taxation, can't do anything productive without the government asking you for their cut (aka theft) lol.


In France it's more like a Mafia :p Literally! Can't even have my own appartment because of the prices o_o


I visited France for some work training. Apartments in Paris were stupid expensive. Totally glad you're able to live off the patreon pledges! There has to be a way to advertise your work and patreon to snag more people on the honeychan hypetrain.


Agreed! I won't take an appartment in Paris in the future (too expensive like you said) but in the suburbs instead. I'm back in my parents appartment since last year so yeah i can live off Patreon now :) And yeah, i'm trying to find a way to advertise my work... If you guys got some ideas, i'm taking notes :)


Je ne savais pas que tu étais français. C'est cool que tu puisses vivre avec ton travail d'artiste. Mais je me demande toujours à quel point quelqu'un qui fait du contenu NSFW assume son boulot auprès de sa famille.^^


Oh un croissant ! Ça fait plaisir d’avoir un français dans la famille ;) Effectivement c’est cool mais je me sers un peu la ceinture histoire de pas finir dans le rouge :) Mais c’est jouable ! Concernant mon travail, c’est une excellente question ! Qu’on me pose rarement d’ailleurs :p C’est simple, je n’ai pas (encore) avoué mon travail auprès de mes proches. Je dis que je travail dans « l’informatique » en étant le plus vague possible 😂 Qui sais peut-être, un jour je dirais que je crée des animations à caractère porno avec des filles dont la bite est longue comme le bras 🤣 Mais pour l’instant, j’en doute ! En tout cas c’est sympa d’écrire français sur Patreon ! Merci pour ton soutien camarade ;)