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Ey. So I wanna start doing special audio every month ^.^ Just like the “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” Audio.

Please make suggestions for next month in the comments down below💕

I will start keeping a google doc full of the really spicy suggestions~



Playing fetch with Mooni 🥰


Marnie befriends a galarian Rapidash (SFW|Wholesome)


Though I didn't notice the sexy part :P So uh... I vote for playing fetch with Mooni :P

Dale Carswell

First time light bondage - wearing a blindfold, being leashed. Another idea - let's jump in the spa, white shirt no bra be damned

Gepfu Geppu

Dominating a nervous virgin who shot his loss by accident even though nothing sexual happened yet


Personally, I have an impregnation fetish. Don’t have any ideas but that’s what gets me.

Dusty Tomes

Wow! Well... most of my ideas are situational rather than... action-al..? But still, I hope I can help! A strip poker game immediately springs to mind (I've got a half-finished script involving strip Rock-Paper-Scissors with a fantasy twist... jus' sayin' ;3 ) A nurse tends to the listener's 'discomfort' The Listener discovers a girl locked outside her home nude. The Listener is a bouncer or security guard and the girl will do *anything* to get that backstage/VIP pass. I could go on forever, and I'm happy to scribble up draft scripts for anything if that would help. :3


“Who shot his loss by accident” Can you explain what this means, because I’m confused! XD so sorry and thank you! Edit: ash, I think you are right xD thank you! I will jot that one down, sounds interesting!


I'm thinking tentacles, but the tentacles are the innocent ones haha! You the predator/ Overlord haha.


Despite getting rid of a little problem during Halloween, he still hasn't learned his lesson so you decide to get him something "extra special" for Christmas let's just say, he'll be seeing mostly red this holiday season.


The tough gal secretly wants to be a mom and needs your help.


The first massive nut after the end of no nut november~


A couple ideas that could be fun: - You wake up tied to a chair, kidnapped. She's had a crush on you for a long time, she's a little unhinged, and she's finally going to have her way with you. (Definitely inspired by the yandere halloween audio. Maybe not as extreme, but a fun concept) - Your best friend is about to get married, but she's feeling nervous because she's so inexperienced (maybe virgin). She's known you forever, surely she can trust you to show her a thing or two?

Lawrence Alexander

A first time anal and a subsequent first time anal creampie?

Sir Kata

Suddenly hungry and eating non stop, you've gained hundreds of pounds. But enjoying being so big and soft, and still so hungry, wanting get even bigger and fatter

Sir Kata

Another idea is after sex, came so much you get a "huge" belly, maybe look 6 months or bigger. Feels nice and warm, tempted to go a 2nd round.

Balloon Boy

Niche, but a New Years gala balloon drop pop fest. Could be fun and become naughty if someone just happened to enjoy the show.


I like the idea of a proud princess who is at first opposed to doing lewd things, but then gets more and more aroused until she is turned into a complete whore.


Realistic catgirl. You're working on your computer and she suddenly wants your attention. You pet her for a few seconds and she loves it until she suddenly absolutely doesn't want to be pet and pulls a knife on you. You stop, but a few moments later, she's back and rubbing on your leg. The cycle continues