Combat Set : Sylvan, Turtle & Stances (Patreon)
This Combat Set update comes with new armors and weapon's skills:
- Sylvan set, a forest biome based set: leather armor + 3 logs
- Turtle helmets: turtle helmet + ligth or heavy material
- Offensive/Defensive/Agility Strikes: hit a target gives you a quick buff
- New advancements to get more details about skills and other specific mecanisms.
For all crafts method, refer ingame to the achievement pannel (default keybind "L").
Major changes:
- New options: ShowArmorEffects & ShowWeaponEffects: show/hide particles from buff potion effects.
- Diamond to netherite tools will now be updated on use.
Don't forget to use the last resource pack version of the Grimdark Battlepack from Kalam0n to get the new variants. If not, some textuxe may miss or bug.