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Videl summoned me. Ahhh but it isn't pig tailed Videl but my god this is hot! Just wish it was long hair Videl cause well she only cut it cause Gohan had problems with it. It just doesn't seem like something she would do in your verse as such you know.

Whis Sama

Her feet look amazing here, especially love the sweat splash between her toes! Just curious, do you have any Android 21 foot worship planned? I feel her demeanor fits perfectly for the situation! :)

Whis Sama

Also wanted to add that I love the details of the small little vibration lines, really adds to the artwork!

Videl's best Slave

Amazing work!! Your videl is easily your best character to draw. Nothing as good as this out there!


I think Videl has gotten nicer to Gohan since she cut her hair in the manga. I wanted her to look happy and smiling in this artwork, but her stern look looks so much better on her with her long hair ^^


I can understand that, it's just that pig tail Videl is just so much nicer looking than than her short hair version and I kinda just don't see why she would still cut her hair in your verse. Gohan wouldn't have been able to convince her to cut it like in cannon here is my thinking. It's still your pieces all the same but that is just my thought on that. Also Videl still remains the girl you draw the best by far, just saying.

Whis Sama

I never thought of it that way but you do have a point that Gohan wouldn’t have been able to convince her to cut her hair, I personally also prefer pig tail Videl lol. But nevertheless, the artwork is always great, no matter what girl is drawn tbh! (I really like your comments btw, they give me stuff to think about lmao)


To add onto my comments I still look forward what can come of it but I will say with pigtail Videl, I hope there will be some of her in that hairstyle in pictures like this or more on the teasing domming side, perhaps a bit on the sadistic playful side? You know when she isn't so pissed all the time haha. But well just having fun with Gohan but still with that hairstyle


I hope to see one day Videl punishing Gohan with a hard Spanking 😀