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Tl;dr: Still alive, will post random stuff the next few days, then new EnEm chapters from Tuesday or Wednesday. Book to be published Jan or Feb.

Hello. Here I am, once more. Far too late with updates, once more.

Yes, I'm still alive, and yes, the reasons why I didn't post for so long were stupid, as usual.

Here goes: So I was writing the next mini- arc for the current book, and realized that it was trash, so rewrote everything a bunch of times. At the same time, I finally got the to-be-published Book 1 of enlightened empire read by a professional editor, who spotted far too many problems, so I completely rewrote the first half of that one too.

Anyways, I thought I could power through the work without distractions and post a bunch at once, but then the work got more and more (since I also tend to be more busy in summer in my actual job), and the usual anxiety set in.

I was planning to start posting chapters again around Christmas (since I'm mostly done with everything now), but then my PC broke just in time. For now, I just have my phone, so no access to the new chapters.

And since delivery of my new PC is delayed until after new year's as well, I decided to just post like this for now.

So, here's the plan: For the next few days, I'll post some unpublished stuff off of my phone, mostly the first few chapters of unreleased novel ideas, which I may or may not continue. By Tuesday or Wednesday, I'll hopefully have my PC, so I can post new EnEm chapters then, and I'll then publish book 1 within a month or so.

Since navigating this site on a phone is a nightmare, I'll start working through comments and messages by Wednesday as well.

Once again, I'm sorry for all the delays, and I thank you for sticking around.

Cheers and Happy New Year,




Welcome back man


Happy New Year and thanks for coming back