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Hello, hermit here.

Here's the updated political map for the epilogue of book 6.

I may have to zoom the map out in the next iteration, since more and more outside forces are getting involved, though for now, this one still seems sufficient.

Colors are the same as before: 

Light blue are areas directly controlled by Corco.

Dark blue are other areas of the southern kingdom.

Red are areas of the central kingdom.

Yellow are areas of the northern kingdom.

Purple is Arguna, controlled by the elder council.

Green is new, they're areas controlled by the Green Island under Sumaci.

Apart from Corco's increase in territory, notable changes are Port Ulta changing hands (and thus removing the Arcavians from the map), and one noble house south of Arguna returning from the northern to the central kingdom.



Xaver Klein

why is that island in the narrow sea under corcos control?

Michael Vonica

What about Qarasi? Corco still owns that.


Remember when he struck a deal with an exiled member of the imperial family to guarantee a safe crossing into the north in Book4? I finally remembered to add that one in.