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Hey, hermit here with an update on things.

Over the easter days, I finally managed to finish the next three chapters of Enlightened Empire. Took a lot longer than I thought it would. I've never really written any romantic scenes, so I wasted a long time going back and forth and reworking those. Hopefully it came out okay, turned out believable and meaningful, rather than cheap. Please tell me what you thought about it (if the chapters are already unlocked for you. If they aren't, you can always tell me a week or two later. ;))

Also, I wrote a couple chapters for my second novel and will update them over this week. Since I'll probably start posting this novel (Upward Spiral) this week as well (on free sites), I'll start unlocking chapters then.

Finally, I want to get to the daunting task of posting 100 or so chapters today, to catch back up on royalroad et al. Wish me luck.

stay healthy,
