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Hey there, Hermit here.

Took me longer to post this than it should have (cause I forgot yesterday), but now that Book 4's epilogue is posted, I can probably post this without spoilers for at least the highest tier.

Legend: Dark blue is the southern kingdom, red is the central kingdom, yellow is the northern kingdom. 

Light blue are Corco's own estates/lands he controls directly (part of southern kingdom)

Pink/Magenta/whateverthatis is the city of Arguna (independent, ruled by the Ancestral Hall)

The dark red/brown around Port Ulta are Arcavian holdings (technically part of the central kingdom)

New additions to the map aree obviously Corco gaining land from Pacha north of Qarasi Castle, Amautu gaining land from Pacha south-west of Arguna and Pacha/Arcavia gaining control over Port Ulta from Corco. 

If there's any more questions about this or I screwed up somewhere, please feel free to tell me.






Ah... I always love a good map x)


Damn. A bit more and Corco and Amautu could split Pachaland in twain. :P