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With her mother Mara away visiting relatives for a whole week, Kayla is all alone at home. As she gets ready for her morning shower, Kayla checks her phone for the thousandth time for a text or a call, even though she knows her mother is still far out of cell range...

Suddenly, Kayla hears the sound of the bathroom door opening. Shocked, she looks up quickly, and there stands her mother, in the flesh. "Mom! Oh my fucking god! You're home!" Kayla cries as Mara steps into the room. "I came home early just for you, sweetie"... 




I wonder what Kayla was doing with that FUTARIA Magazine before she sent a texted to her sexy futa mother.


Maybe trying to find some satisfaction, but missing the real thing too much to make it happen. 😉 For Kayla and her Mom... incest is best, and nothing else can pass the test.😛


Look for new issues of Futaria appearing in scenes in the future...