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NOTE: The "Girls Team" option won the April poll, although the result was closer than the numbers may appear due to strong support from RHB Masters. When a vote is this close, sometimes we finish and release the alternate concept at a future date. I think we'll do that for this one. The community's response was good and fun ideas should be made. Thanks to all who participated!

Akane has had her issues with guys. Many a morning she had to fend off hordes of them looking to date her- in martial arts combat no less!

This lead to Akane repeatedly declaring that she "REALLY HATES BOYS". When one says something enough times, rumors begin to swirl about where Akane's real interest is. Even she has her doubts... will gal pals Yuka and Sayuri be able to help her figure it out?

Variants include: Text & Clean Editions!

Until next time patrons, with eager friends like these, Akane may end up more confused than ever!

-Deep Star

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