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Nihao, RHB Patrons!

It's time for another poll where our generous patrons can vote on the next pinup art we create!

Premise: Akane has had her issues with guys. Many a morning she had to fend off hordes of them looking to date her- in martial arts combat no less! This lead to Akane declaring that she "REALLY HATES BOYS". And when one says something enough times, rumors begin to swirl about where Akane's real interest is...

Please view the rough attached art. The community decides: whose team will Akane be on for the next Ranmabooks Patreon Art Exclusive?

Option 1: GUYS!

  • Despite her heated claims, Akane shall gush about- and on- one lucky prick in the bedroom!

Option 2: GIRLS!

  • Akane (with old-school longhair) shall enlist the help of gal pals Yuka and Sayuri in figuring out her feelings about girls once and for all! Yet with eager friends like these, she may end up more confused than ever!

The poll shall remain open until April 23rd or all currently eligible Patrons have voted. The winning art concept will be released at the end of April.

So cast your vote! There are no bad choices, only naughty ones. ;)

-Deep Star

Reminder: this art is not available at the RHB flagship website (Ranmabooks.com). This is NEW ART that- depending on the poll results- could be completed in color and released as a Patreon-Exclusive.

Remember, voting power begins at Disciple tier. Higher tiers have more voting power, so if you upgrade your membership tier at any point while the poll is open, the extra vote(s) will be counted. And as always, all money raised goes towards creation of more Ranma art for our Patreon Community!



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