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Nihao, RHB Patrons!

The community has voted, it's time to announce which comic will be the next remastering project!

Reminder: RHB Warriors and Masters have increased voting power, so results that appear to be tied may not be when the tier of each vote is considered.

Winner: Shanghaied

In this comic, Shampoo is willing to do anything to get some private time with Ranma... even if she has to borrow Akane's body to do it! The only flaw in the plan? Shampoo's stud is away, but the Purple Wonder isn't about to let a chance to use this body go to waste! >:D

This was our first comic where Shampoo was the star and is the book that will benefit the most by remastering, with a massive boost to art and background quality in store should it be picked by the community.

The contents of this book include:

  • Shampoo's first starring role in our comics!
  • Body-Swap fetish!
  • Mirror Sex (the reflection is of the girl possessed, Akane!)
  • Scorching hot Wincestual action where Nabiki proves an eager bedmate for her "sister"!
  • New backgrounds using SHADE's latest models!

Shanghaied Adjusted Poll Score: 19 Votes! 

Runner Up: Midnight Movie Mayhem (Adjusted Poll Score 17 Votes)


Shanghaied got off to a big start piling up votes, only to see Midnight Movie Mayhem surge down the finish line. The demographics of the voters were fairly split, with Warriors slightly favoring MMM whereas Masters were slightly more behind Shanghaied. In the end, the influence of the Masters was just enough to squeak Shanghaied to victory.

Historically, MMM was the more popular comic, but the promise of a more meaningful enhancement (with big background improvements) along with a true starring role for Shampoo was too good for the Shanghaied comic supporters to pass up. :)

Look for the winning comic to be remastered and released in late May/early June!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this poll. If there's options that you'd like to see, please provide feedback. We want to constantly improve our Patreon offerings and with your support we'll achieve that in 2020! :)

-Deep Star


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