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We're happy to inform our Patreon supporters that we've made significant progress on our next remastered comic collection. The set will star Kasumi and contain the following classic RHB books:

Kasumi's Secret (Kasumi, Ryoga, Nabiki, and Ranma-kun)

Keeping it Clean (Kasumi, Ranma-kun)

Voodoo Child (Kasumi, Gosunkugi)

Laundry Day (Kasumi, Ranma-Kun)

That's FOUR comics which will be remastered in the highest resolution possible based on the original art!

Additionally, RHB Patreon Masters will get a sneak peek at the Work-in-Progress cover and associated pinup set this week!

Tentatively, we're planning a March 31st release for the comic collection which will be available to members of the Disciple tier and higher, but members of the Warrior and Master tier will be getting early access!

Thank you to all who have joined us during our formative days at Patreon. We hope you've enjoyed the content thus far. Our goal is to continue these remastering projects until we've updated the entire RHB catalog. Pledge by pledge, book by book, we'll make it so with your support. :)



Oooo, nice! Loves me some Kasumi!