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1. I was unlucky to be born in a country with a good economy, in a country where there is no dictatorship etc.

2. I was unlucky to be born in a normal family. My family is just crazy.

3. I was unlucky to be born in a rich family. I can’t say my family is very poor but 509€ are big money for my family.

4. I was unlucky to be born beautiful or just sympathisch. It’s actually a big problem for a woman. Appearance is very important. No one cares if you are kind and smart, no one will want to kiss you if you are just ugly 🤷🏽‍♀️ So I am poor and ugly. I have much less chances to get married.

5. I was born with a pathology of the uterus. So I might can’t have children in the future.

6. I was born weird. I am veryyy strange... every one tells me that and people don’t like weirdos. They are afraid of weirdos etc. So I have many haters IN REAL LIFE.

Thank you for attention, It’s not all reasons tho, and I don’t to tell so much about me🙇🏽‍♀️




No ones perfect and you’re definitely not ugly


Be my wife we can have many children.


Almost every day people call me ugly. And no one from my university wants to date me.


You're one of the funniest people I've ran across Instagram , and it's without a doubt that you're beautiful.


I know how it feels when it all looks dark, but I can assure you, it gets better along the way. If you wanna talk about it I'd love to tell you what helped me and what still helps me.


Kann man dir irgendwie helfen? Du darfst dich nicht runterziehen lassen . Ich weiß, dass das leichter gesagt als getan ist. Ich kenne dich nicht weiter als das was man von dir hier und auf Instagram sieht, aber du scheinst mir eigentlich total nett und sympathisch und vor allem nicht hässlich zu sein.


Punkt 4 kann ich absolut nicht nachvollziehen. Finde du bist das absolute Gegenteil ❤️


Ich finde das kalkulierte Provozieren von Mitleidsbekundungen/Aufmunterungen etwas ermuedend :/


Love you