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What is the Sapphire Kingdom? This is a politically complex state-empire that occupies the largest area of the Agate continent. The main difference between Sapphire and other kingdoms is the presence of private armies, or rather knightly orders. The Order of the Thorn, the Order of the Lion, the Order of the Midnight Wolves and so on, there are an infinite number of them and all of these are private companies. The Order of the Burning Sun has the most influence; it is a state order created 200 years ago to fight the dark ones. Their main combat unit is paladins, initiated and baptized warriors of steel, clad in silver armor, hunters of darkness, banishers of eternal night. But then, 200 years ago, they were heroes, but now everything is different. Burning Sun is run by Alessa Vin Almarshall, who's that bitch. She not only took everything into her own hands, she began to build new rules in the order and within 2 years she had turned the champions of evil into witch hunters. All this was observed by Siren, the only knight of Sapphire who is not a member of one of the orders, who swore an oath only to the state. Siren De Chester set herself the goal of destroying Alessa and placing the Order under the mercy of the Sapphire Crown. But a new enemy appeared on the scene, Tora, a northerner, another threat to the state. Siren thinks so, although she does not know the Torah at all, and the Torah does not know her. But Siren doesn’t want to meet her. She knows that if their weapons cross in confrontation, it will be an eternal battle. In any case, the Sirens have a more important matter - to free their kingdom from the paladins.

The Sapphire Kingdom is a complex state mechanism that has complex internal policies. It influences everything that happens in the world, but inside this mechanism there are jewelry parts. Sapphire is truly considered a free kingdom, aristocratic, supreme. But in order to gain name and glory in Sapphire, you need to have endurance, a cool head and a sharp blade.


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