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Finally able to get around to getting the ball rolling on this! The shading/background is just a rough placeholder for now.
And then I sketched up some ideas for alts, even though I won't be able to have all of them available as options for dakis, I might be able to still finish them for people to enjoy digitally if there's enough interest.

If you'd like to help fund the time I can spend on this to finish it sooner and do all of the alts, you can toss a few bucks over on ko-fi! That way I can focus on finishing all of these like a commission, and not have to wait until I have enough reserve funds to dedicate a ton of time to it.

Anyone who donates at least $20 will get two full files of their choice so that they can order a custom pillowcase from a website that offers them! Just shoot me a message on here with which two files you'd want for the front and back 



Kakira Irjath

Those look so amazing!


👀👀👀 I've never wanted a daki more until this moment! Even if I don't get them printed I'll definitely be buying all the versions when they're done!


Omg yes.




Damn, those sketches are quite the inspiration, thanks for sharing ♥ Lotta love !

Fen Longpaw

Oh my! Bonnie is probably the only character I've seen in one of these that made me legitimately consider getting for a pillow because of how soft she comes across in your art. I think I will toss you said $20 for the naked erect version and the naked backside version, though, unless other options show up in the finished process that are an even more tempting back view


You should make a style of there backside where she is spreading her cheeks and you see her doughnut, would love to have that.