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Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I've had such a hard time putting anything down on a canvas 😞 I think I'm getting some of my motivation back, I managed to get a sketch that I actually kinda like!
Gonna try to warm myself back up a bit and return to doing some commissions for those of you have been waiting



Kakira Irjath

Big sexy moo needs this big mama to jump on and ride~

Fen Longpaw

Glad to see you're hanging in. Still here to support you.


I appreciate you and everyone that hangs around that continues to support and believe in me ♥


As long as you're doing well is all that matters. Still here to support you. (beautiful art btw)

KentaTheFolf (HobbyWriter00)

Been a fan for some time, love this character. Have been missing her being on the receiving end of some pleasure, would love to see a return of Bonnie being on Bottom.

bonniebovine (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-05 22:33:53 Thank you! I'll have to whip something up, it's certainly been awhile since she's been on the receiving end :>
2021-10-17 11:18:43 Thank you! I'll have to whip something up, it's certainly been awhile since she's been on the receiving end :>

Thank you! I'll have to whip something up, it's certainly been awhile since she's been on the receiving end :>