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Hey everyone! Sorry there hasn't been any updates this month, I spent a lot of time cleaning the house and packing before flying out of town for a week to see my family this past week and I just got back , so I just haven't really been at my PC since the first week of March. Im gonna try to make it up and get back to drawing to have some stuff to post for this month before its over!

I should've posted an announcement of my break ahead of time but i wasn't expecting to get hit so hard by all the spring cleaning and reorganizing as hard as I did before flying out LOL

Thank you all for being so patient with me, and I cant wait to share what I've been working on!



Enjoy your break!


Have a nice break!

ok name

Ah yes, more Big Booty Bovines soon😩👌👌


OOP realized the wording made it look like I was just now leaving for a break, I actually just got back! Fixed the post now LOL


Meant to specify that I just got back from my break, fixed the post now but I did have a good break! :D


Glad you were able to take a break! and I totally feel you on the spring cleaning thing- when the right mood strikes it's just unstoppable!