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So like I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm in a bit of a bind this month, so these commissions are a bit pricier compared to normal ones, but they're also easier to get. 

They're mostly first come first serve, but if I have absolutely NO interest in your idea (see f-list) then I will refuse it, and you will be able to change your idea twice, and if we cannot agree on an idea, I will give the slot to the next person

(examples would be things like mecha, most SFW, scat, etc. More under here) 

If you're interested in grabbing one of the slots, leave a comment and I'll message the first 3 people and grab all info

Costs of adding cum can be discussed, but no alt dick versions this time around



I'll take a slot if possible!


oh, me please!

Hervy Uchoa

Interested, as in. Me please


I have to hear back from the other person, but consider me interested if someone backs out!


Interested as well if a slot becomes available!


I'm at EF, I pray the Wi-Fi is fast enough


count me in! too slow, but interested if theres a slot


I WOULD glady give up a spot to get you in skgkg

Spoony Doodle

Wait what the hell I literally got the email for this post 1 minute ago


oh what the heck, I didn't realize patreon was so unreliable at delivering notifications. Im sorry about that! if you have any recommendations for better alternatives, I would be more than happy to consider them to try and be most fair to everyone

Spoony Doodle

I'm mostly just upset because I was READY for the notif all day and then I miss out anyway ;;


I guess the fairest way is to hold a raffle; not everyone has the time or convenience to join in and shoot a message immediately.

Spoony Doodle

And that too actually, give people a day to reply and then select, some people aren't even awake or are at work at weird times!


I'm late, but, might as well ask if I can be put in anyway


Probably super late to this party but would love to toss my name in the ring too if possible ^_^