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This isn’t an ultimatum, I like to try and balance both but I’m curious on opinions



It's hard to say. The quality of your finished works is way up there - some of the very best stuff I've seen - and I wouldn't want that to change. On the other hand, seeing sketches is always cool, too, and it's a good way to go through new ideas (good for variants, too, if you ever do that)


I wholly agree with Ghostflame. Strong points on both sides of the house


Yeah I’m so torn because at the current moment, I can’t afford to do polished work, or at least not often at all, but I’d like to. But I also really enjoy sketching out many new different interesting things, since I just get so many ideas I wanna draw!


I really don't think your 'quick' stuff lacks quality... That said, I want to see more art by you. I generally prefer quality over quantity, but I realise it's hard to balance.


Lmao, with the "Buckets of Milk" thing you just posted I thought this was a question of quantity vs quality of milk.


Definitely an answer dependent on context. I'd say sketch as many ideas as you have, but polish as many images as you like. If you have three ideas in a row that are enough fun to polish up to a high quality, then polish them all. If you have three other ideas that you sketch out but then they bore you, then leave them all as sketches.