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A bit later than usual so here's a small gift: A teaser of Augusts' winner!

July's Cam poll victory is taking a bit longer than expected, so with great regret, Cam fans must suffer as this one comes first. (There's another Cam one almost done to satiate)

Regardless, it's that time again, lads! Decide thy fate.

Disclaimer that these things take time, so it might be a month(or even two) before this specific piece is completed and uploaded. We'll try to get it done ASAP but know it's always in the pipeline alongside the other animations!!

Poll suggestions taken from: Myself, RikkaTikka, Kerfs. (Suggest more or feel free to recycle past options that didn't make the cut and we'll put them in the next poll/maybe put them in the general animation pipeline. Don't be shy to suggest whatever you want!). 



One of the only times Ota-chan will top anyone (let alone Cam)


I like how this place serves as a window to the sex life of the girls. Delays are understandable because of the studio's limited time and resources. I'm just personally happy you guys are able to deliver quality work on YT while delivering sexy behind the scenes stuff here.


Can't wait for Otachan's revenge... 👀