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Howdy Gang!

We’re back for another update and it's ughh a little late…It was gonna happen sooner or later let's be honest. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

Our latest episode is now live!

Now you may have seen that the serial was slightly more delayed than we had initially planned, sorry about that gang. However you can go watch it right now if you haven't seen it yet you can view it right here! We kinda forgot to announce it was live… (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

Now we couldn't do the english dub for this release due to Frankie being away so the timing didn't line up i'm afraid. (ง ื▿ ื)ว

However, some good news is that we can confirm our next serial is well into production. Many different aspects have already been completed such as character sheets and storyboards. This will be our first serial to not focus within the Otachan sphere and we’re quite nervous to stray from our norm but we’re very proud of what we have so far and hope to give you all a different experience for the serial “Discord Girls.”

otaku versus phase four…or three…we forget

This is our first step into our next big plan…that being debuting a number of different pilots / series put forward by our staff members, we might even collaborate with some other artists as well to see what interesting stories we can cook up…

for instance the very talented DEADSLUG came in to do some concept work for a show idea Project: Heavy Tenshi

Or hey how about a show titled My Personal Trainer is a Masochist!!?

Scheduling for Discord girls

Layout has just begun for Discord Girls, which if we’re being honest means we’re running a smidge behind, which sets us for an end of May release. It's looking but sometimes we can make up for lost time! So we will keep you posted as the production continues with its own dedicated posts!

The future is pain…Kinda

Now even though we have been developing some more serials where we stray more outside of our comfort zone where Otachan isn't the focus. We’re doing this to stretch our wings a little more just so we’re not tied down to only Otachan. However don't worry as there are still plenty more Otachan throughout the year still to come! We hope! Don’t tell her she’s fired… she’ll kill us…



Stepping out of the comfort zone is good you may strike gold!! Any news on the last merch drop. If I remember right it be in April, just wondering because for May I’ll still be supporting on patreon but will probably have to step to a lower tier


How about an update on the merch tier vets like me? The last drop is supposed to be sent out this month. Any news on that?


Are there any updates for the people who have paid for the last patron merch drop?

SuSpInTiOn .

Is Frankie gonna be a VA in this new series?


Love the dark skinned girl 💯