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Hey Gang 

First things first, I hope everyone out there is keeping safe and sound. 

It is crazy times right now so please take some time to look after yourself and those around you. 

Now an update on our situation! 

Episode production is still going as planned! 2 + 3 are being worked on simultaneously and Studio Yuraki has a projected completion date for mid April! 

Which means I should have Episode 2 ready by the end of April! (fingers crossed)

So onto the issues 

The merchandise drop is unfortunately delayed for this month…for now.

I was scrambling to get a new item ready for you guys this month but at the last minute our shipping company has pulled on all orders, delaying them by up to 2 weeks!

However to make up to this I have been prepping the Episode 2’s Secret drop to send to you guys, which is 

4 x A1 Sized Limited Edition Posters; These are currently in production! But I’m aiming to get them out to you all next month.

I’m very sorry about this delay guys as I was trying everything to get something out to you this month but the rug keeps getting pulled out from under me once I figure out one problem! 

Thanks for understanding 


We will all get through this 





New poster, yay!


Did anyone get size form yet


No biggie, we get that everything is a bit crazy rn.


That's okay it's out of your control make sure your healthy too, especially mentally Always appreciate the hard work man you rock


no size form, Keep up the good work!


How to get the poster ? I want it soooo badly :D :D :D Is there a chart to complete or something ?


My Discord was maxed out on servers when I became a Patron, can I have an invite link?


Does anyone know what the eta on the signature jacket is? I have mine ordered but I wanted to know when roughly to expect it.


Has anyone received their posters yet?


Nope I believe it was implied it would be sent with whatever merch drop. I havent heard anything since this post. But things still aren't normal so everyone just needs to be patient. Good things will come.


Hey dude, just a new fan here loving your work from Australia. I can't wait get my hands on some merch when it's all sussed out on your end, cheers.