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GUYYYSSSSSS!!!! I'm back!!! Actually I've been back for almost a week.

Taiwan : Awesome, hot, got to see my childhood save spots, got sick ... if anyone was following on twitter I got some weird ass skin thing and had a fever of 102 for about a week.


Return : Landed back in Seattle, checked in on grandma then bounced back to Philly. A day catching up on SleepyCabin and house shit with Stamper then off to TooManyGames con.


TooManyGames : Fucking great! So many awesome everything. Got to hang with fellow patron/pals Pat, Jeph, and Barry.

Here's photos : https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMtSOZskEx8lJrGj4NYiXUDY0uiu82EcB7jZpjtHoioKp0CBYUIdNhAyZS-i3DnFg?key=eF9WVXA0RFVhdFNqX003czZxZmtSbldRNlhyUDBR

Some of the photos look a little "dead" but that's cuz they're from the first opening hours, where we skipped ahead of the line, the con was actually really packed.


AND NOW : Back. No more trips. No more guests. Just work. Work, work, work ... and I'm fucking amped. I won't lie, for over a month I've been itching to get cracking to the point where it made it kinda hard to enjoy "vacation"... this is my element lol

Batman Origins : ALMOSSSSTTTTTTTT (time to crank and finish)

Sonex 2 : Script tweaking phase

Parallel Dimensions : Script done, looking for animation help to expedite

Lip Spank : "How to break into voice acting" - coming

Plenty of other shit : happening, happening, happening - almost distraction free.

Once I get the multiple balls I gotta juggle into motion (commission, sleepy cabin, our shit, sorting out the resolution of personal affairs, and oh so much more) , you can expect to see me in the skype group quite a bit.


Speaking of getting back to work, that's where I'm off to now. HUGS TO YOU ALL AND THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND PATIENCE WE GOT SHIT COMING FULL FORCE NOW. (There may be a short blip in the schedule where I have to return to MN to take care of some business, but that would be it).


- m


[CON] TooManyGames 2015


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