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Jerry walked over to his last table of the evening to check on the five men seated there. He had made some pretty good tips during his shift, but he figured this group might leave the biggest one of all. Little did he know how big things would turn out to be.

“Hello again, gentleman,” he said after stopping about a foot away. “Now that you have had your desserts and coffee, I thought I would see if you needed anything else this evening.”

The five guests had already turned to look at Jerry before he started speaking. It was hard not to stare, as he was blessed with above-average height, a strapping musculature, and overwhelming good looks. One might assume he had been kissed by the gods upon entering the world, as he possessed so many standards of beauty that others deeply coveted: thick wavy blond hair, dazzling azure blue eyes, an easy smile with straight and blindingly white teeth, and lips so full and red that you ached to kiss them.

“Jerry, my friends and I have been talking, and there is something you might be able to help us with,” said the man to the far left of the server. He looked to be about 40 years old with salt and pepper hair, and he was wearing a very-expensive looking dark suit and Rolex.

“How can I help?” offered Jerry.

“Well, we were wondering if you’d like to accompany one of us home this evening once you’re done with your shift for…well, a little fun in the bedroom. Whoever you choose would make it worth your while. Very well worth it.”

Jerry looked around at the men sitting in front of him. They all sort of looked alike – about 40, nice clothes, with an air of professional elitism. He did have a penchant for older men, and they were all handsome enough, but he wasn’t sure how to proceed picking one of the five. Jerry licked his lips, flashed his sexiest grin, and said, “And how would I know which of you to choose?”

The man on his far left answered. “Well, you may not know my face, but maybe you’ve heard my name. I’m Professor Samuel Stockton.”

“Doctor Erotic?” asked a stunned Jerry. “Wow, I love your podcast! In fact, I listened to the latest episode on the bus ride to work today.”

Stockton nodded. “That’s me. And if you choose me tonight, I can promise you a very fun evening. I know everything there is to know about pleasuring another man, and you can expect to be on the receiving end of all of it. I’ll do everything and anything you want, and I’ll be the best you’ve ever had. And you’ll be able to take what I teach you and use it for all your other future encounters.”

Jerry’s smile grew bigger. He did enjoy sex. A lot. But before he could even consider it, another offer was thrown his way by the man sitting next to Doctor Erotic.

“Hi there, Jerry. I’m not as famous as my buddy Sam here, but I do have a question for you: how much money is in your bank account right now?”

“Oh, not much. Maybe $300,” replied Jerry.

“Well, my name is Steven Racine, and I’m *the* top investment banker in the county. Nobody can make people richer faster than me. If you go home with me tonight, I’ll invest your $300 when the market opens tomorrow, and I guarantee you’ll have at least $300,000 in that account within six months. No more bus rides for you, young man – you can get yourself a Tesla, or a Caddy, or whatever else you want to drive. And you’ll have enough left over to buy yourself some rentboys to satisfy any erotic cravings you might have for years to come.”

Jerry’s mouth fell open a little. It was obviously going to be a tough decision, and it was about to get even tougher.

The man sitting next to Steven spoke next. “Jerry, I’m Alex Bullard. I’m a talent agent, and I have to say, you are the goddamned most handsome man I have ever seen. I mean, fuck me, you’re just so hot I couldn’t tame my boner if I tried. If you come home with me tonight, I’m going to make you the biggest star in Hollywood history – you’ll be more famous than you ever dreamed of. Think of it – everyone will know you, and everyone will want to be with you. And with that fame will of course come lots of money, and lots of great sex, so why even consider the first two offers? All you have to do is take my hand and the world will be at your doorstep.”

Jerry was starting to get excited from all the attention. He obviously knew he was good-looking, but nobody had ever put it in those terms before.

A fourth man then joined the conversation. “Ok, you can forget about these other yahoos, Jerry. I’m your guy. The name’s Clyde Barrister, and I’m sure you’ve never heard of me. I’m what you would call a power-broker from DC. I’m the guy behind the scenes who makes sure all the right people get elected. How old are you, son?”

“26 just last month,” said Jerry.

“Perfect,” replied Clyde. “There’s an election coming up in at the end of the year. I could get you nominated, and with your looks and the right words coming out of your mouth, you’d easily win a seat in the US House of Representatives. You could serve two terms and then become a Senator, and after that run for President at the age of 36. All that stuff the other guys promised would come with this offer, too – the sex, the money, the fame – but you’d also have true power. You’d be the most important man on the planet. Whatever you’d want would be yours. And anything you truly care about would be taken care of with a snap of your fingers. I can get you all of that if you just come back to my house for a little fun tonight.”

Jerry was stunned at what Clyde had said. He had never even voted before, and now here was someone promising him he’d be President. It was all so much to consider.

The four men who had spoken turned to look at the last man, who didn’t appear to be in a hurry. He was looking Jerry over closely and taking in every detail, as if he wanted to make sure his offer was just right.

“Jerry, I’m Edgar Oxnard. Have you ever heard of me?”

The server shook his head. “No, sir, I’m sorry to say I haven’t.”

“Maybe you have heard of my company, Ox Protein?”

Jerry’s face lit up. “That’s you! Wow! Of course, I have heard of Ox. It’s like the gold standard for nutrition products.”

“But maybe just a little out of your price range, I’m guessing, since you only have $300 in the bank.”

“Definitely. I have to make do with the cheaper stuff,” replied Jerry.

Now it was Edgar’s turn to smile, because he knew he was going to be victorious over his friends. “Jerry, I’ve been watching you this evening, and I think I have something to offer you that my friends cannot. Something that I think you want more than anything else.”

“And what would that be, Mr. Oxnard?”

“More than money or fame or sex, you want to grow bigger, right? You crave more muscle and more mass. You live to get pumped up at the gym, and you love to check out your muscles as they swell with blood.”

Jerry’s mouth dropped completely open. “How can you tell?”

“It’s a lot of things. The tightness of your shirt, for example. It’s practically brand new and you’re already growing out of it. I also saw you scarfing down two protein bars on your break when I was headed to the restroom. And I overheard you telling your co-worker about your favorite pre-workout drink. You’re just addicted to getting bigger – well, more than addicted – you’re obsessed. The thought of growing bigger muscles makes you horny, too, doesn’t it?”

“Very much so, Mr. Oxnard. I think about it constantly.”

Edgar nodded. “Ok, so if you come home with me tonight, I could give you access to whatever commercially available Ox Protein supplements you want, but I’m going to go one better for you. I’m going to hook you up with a secret formula we have called OxML.”

Jerry was intrigued. “What is that?”

“It’s something the boys in the lab have been working on just for my very, very special friends. Tell me, what is your height and weight, Jerry?”

“225 as of this morning. And I’m 6 foot, 3 inches.”

“And how badly do you want to grow on a scale of 1-10?”

“At least 1 million,” responded Jerry, now getting fired up. “How effin’ big will it make me?”

“Well, OxML is quite potent,” replied Edgar. “It was initially developed to help those who were underdeveloped or malnourished, but with your base physique, you are already going to grow larger than any of our test subjects. The secret is the ML part, which stands for Muscle Lust – the more you crave muscle and size, the bigger you’re going to get. And if you want it as badly as you say, I’m guessing you’re going to grow to at least 6’10” and will probably end up somewhere between 450 and 500 pounds of muscle.”

The other men at the table knew by this point they had lost, and they all swore under the breath.

Jerry lost the remaining shred of his professional demeanor. “Fuck me! You’re joking?”

“It’s no joke, Jerry. The growth process will take about a month, and I’ll be more than happy to let you stay at my estate while you complete the process. I’m sure my colleagues will also be thrilled to come over from time to time to check in on you. And once you’re done, you won’t have to spend time working out anymore – your muscles will remain the same size as long as your lust remains strong.”

“500 pounds of muscle?” asked Jerry. “You’re not shitting me?”

Edgar smiled and continued. “Maybe even bigger. But I promise you it will all be Grade A muscle. Think of it, Jerry – your arms will probably be at least 28 inches around – possibly even 30. Your flexed biceps will be as big and as hard as bowling balls. And they’ll be enormously strong, too – if anything gets in your way, you’ll be able to move it, whether it’s a car or a cow or an oak tree. You’ll be the closest thing on Earth to Superman Hell, if Superman did show up, you’d make him look like a weakling in comparison. His puny Kryptonian arms wouldn't be a match for the power you'll possess in your biceps and triceps.”

Jerry was too busy fantasizing to say anything, so Edgar added even more. “And not just your arms – think about your chest, too. It’s going to be thick and wide, with massive pecs hanging a good foot out in front of your rib cage. Those enormous man tits will enter a room a good 30 seconds before the rest of you. Your legs will also get bigger than you can possibly imagine, and your ass. My goodness, you won’t believe what this formula is going to do to your ass. Your glutes will grow so unbelievably beefy that they will fill up every millimeter of space inside the largest pair of workout shorts you can buy. It will be so big that you, and anyone even near you, will want to keep touching, fondling, and caressing it just to make sure it’s real. And like the rest of you, your butt and legs will be stronger than you can imagine – whatever you think you might be able to squat, I bet you can double that and still handle the weight with ease. Would that turn you on, Jerry?”

“I’m already turned on, Mr. Oxnard. My cock is growing harder every second.”

“Oh, how could I forget about your cock! That’ll grow, too. I’m sure it’s already quite large, correct?”

Jerry nodded. “8 inches long, and 5 inches around.”

“Impressive,” replied Edgar. “But each time you ejaculate during your transformation month, it’s going to get bigger and bigger – and I imagine you can jack off quite a bit. Let’s see……with what you’re already working with…my rough estimate is that you will probably end up with a penis that’s at least 18 inches long and 10 inches around when fully hard. Can you imagine that, Jerry? Two or three – maybe even four – men at a time will be able to give you a blowjob because you’ll have cock for day and days and days. And the orgasms will get stronger, too. Waves of erotic pleasure, sometimes lasting as long as an hour, will cascade through your entire body every time you cum – you may even pass out from the intensity from time to time. All of this can be yours, Jerry, if you come home with me this evening. Mind you, the things the others offered were also nice – money, fame, power, being a better lover – but trust me when I say you’ll get all those in spades once the Muscle Lust works it magic because being the biggest and strongest man in the world definitely comes with some perks. So, have I made you an offer you can’t refuse?”

The bulge from Jerry’s cock was now impossible to hide, and pre-cum had already stained the front of his slacks. Jerry had grabbed it through the fabric with his right hand and was rubbing it intensely. “Most definitely, Mr. Oxnard.”

“Good,” said Edgar as he stood up. “Let’s not waste what you have got going in your pants. Join me in the back of my limo and I’ll take care of it right away, and then we can head over to my house for everything else I promised. And don’t worry, my friends here will find one of your co-workers to settle up what we owe.”

Edgar turned to his tablemates. “Gentleman, as always, a pleasure dining with you.”

The men begrudgingly nodded at Edgar, and Steven added: “We’ll also take you up on your offer to visit Jerry a few times in the next month, Ed.”

“Please do,” said Edgar. He then took Jerry by the hand and led him out the front door to his new future.


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