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About 15 seconds later, Wally could hear footsteps rapidly approaching from around the corner. He wasn't a religious person, but he quickly said a little prayer that it would be someone willing to help.

He didn't have to wait long, as two men came into view and stopped right in front of the porch. Both were young, probably in their early 20s, and like Wally were both sweaty and shirtless. But that's where the similarities ended. Well-lit by the lamp on the nearby street corner, these two guys had clearly been jogging hard on their midnight run and were in fantastic shape.

The first one was roughly 6 feet tall and ripped, with long arms, long legs, and a nicely tapered torso. He was wearing athletic shorts with the logo of the local college, and Wally surmised that he could be on the baseball team. This jock had wavy brown hair that looked perfect even during a late-night run, and he had a bright easy-going smile.

The second jogger was shorter and stockier, with a thick neck, jacked arms, and a beefy chest. He had buzzcut blond hair and a tight pair of shorts that showed he was not afraid for anyone to see his bulge.

"Definitely a wrestler," thought Wally. He also noticed that the shorts worn by the wrestler had some Greek symbols on it, so he figured not only were these college jocks, but they must be frat jocks.

The one that looked like a baseball player spoke first. "Hey there, big guy. Looks like you are having a rough night."

Wally thought about trying to cover his flabby chest and belly with his hands, but that seemed a bit silly at this point. These guys had already seen him at his worst. "Um, yeah, I caught my pant leg in the door, fell down, and now I'm stuck."

The second one chimed in. "What are you doing out here so late?"

Wally thought about lying for a second, but then decided to be honest. "I was going for a jog, like you two. I need to lose a few pounds."

The two men looked at one another, smiled, and then looked back at Wally. Baseball guy responded. "Well, look, I'm Dylan, and this here's Ike...would you like us to give you a hand? Are you sure you're completely stuck."

"I'm Wally...and yes, I have tried and tried and cannot get free. Please help me. I want to get out of her before my boyfriend sees me like this."

Dylan and Ike looked at each other a second time and smiled bigger, because they did want to help the poor guy they had stumbled upon.

"Let's see if we can lift him up a bit." said Ike. Dylan nodded, and they both reached under Wally to start propping him up. It was difficult as the big man was quite big – just over 400 pounds – and so much of that bulk was in his torso.

Wally tried desperately not to get turned on, but he couldn't help himself. Both studs were leaning in close to him, and he was taking in big whiffs of their manly scent. Their groins were dangerously close to Wally's face once they squatted down, and he was also mesmerized by their arm muscles as they tried to hoist him upward.

The frat jocks had managed to move Wally up a little, and Ike - the smaller of the two - slid in underneath Wally like a jack on a car. He put his rough calloused hands on Wally's flabby lats and pushed with all his might, while Dylan swung around and pulled Wally up by his arms.

This action made Wally even more excited, although he didn't really understand why. It was strangely erotic to be testing the strength of these muscle studs, and he could feel his cock growing as they strained to get him upright. Wally desperately tried to think of other things, but then Ike shifted his weight beneath him and squeezed his side flab even harder...and that only made Wally harder, too.

Finally, after several minutes, the jocks had managed to get Wally high enough to slip him out of his sweatpants, so Dylan yanked them off his legs. Wally knew what this meant, since he wasn't wearing any underwear and his flabby belly was jiggling toward his chest and not usually over his thighs – Wally's engorged cock would be in full view.

Dylan's eyes grew wide when he saw it, and a few second later – after wriggling from under the big man – Ike saw it, too.

“Hey, Wally, um, what’s going on down there? Is this some sort of set-up?” asked Dylan. “Pretend to get stuck so we will help you, and then get your rocks off?”

“Oh, God, no,” replied Wally. “I gained weight for this stupid contest, but I’m actually a bodybuilder. I was going to lose…”

Ike interrupted. “YOU’RE a bodybuilder! That’s a fuckin’ laugh. Look at this jelly belly. I doubt this mountain of lard doesn’t even know what a sit-up is.”

As soon as the stud reached over and started shaking Wally’s gut with his muscular hand, the fat man’s ecstasy surged to heights it had never reached before. In just a few months he had transformed from ultra-strong muscle jock into a helpless lump, and even though he constantly said aloud that he wanted to get back in shape and win the contest, secretly, he loved his new life and the freedom that came with it. He loved that he could sit around all day, eat whatever he wanted (like a man should), and be pampered by Michael! He adored his new rolls and his floppy tits and his burgeoning fat pad! He got excited when he wore clothes that were too tight and people stared at him in public! Wally was excited about all the changes, and he wanted even more weight added to his body!

All this was too much for him to take, and semen burst forth from his cock like the spray from a fire hydrant.

“Aaaaaahhhhhh!” moaned Wally.

“Fuckin’ gross,” said Ike as he moved out of the way of the stream. “Tubbo is really into being fat!”

Wally heard Ike’s word and instead of felling shame or pain, he only got more excited and his eyes rolled back in his head. He pictured himself growing bigger and bigger. He could see buttons popping off his shirt and seams ripping on his pants. He could hear people calling him names like Jumbo and Lardass and Blob. Asking for a seatbelt extender on a plane and making sure all the other passengers saw it. 50 more pounds, 100, 200, and more and more and more. A second orgasm started before the first one had even subsided and blew even more cum out onto the sidewalk.

Dylan looked stunned and also moved out of the way. “Jesus, this guy is insane,” he said. “What type of weirdo gets excited about being fat? Who would want to live that way?”

The insult only increased Wally’s excitement even more, and a third orgasm made his entire body shudder and increased his semen stream again. He moaned even louder, screamed “Fucccccckkkkkk” and then passed out.

The two jocks, confused about what they were witnessing, took off running. They didn’t want to be a part of whatever was happening.


Two months later, with “The Wall” as competition, Chunk Stevens easily won the weight-loss competition and the $100,000 prize. He had lost all the weight he gained and looked amazing at the final weigh-in. The company sponsoring the event had already signed him to a long-term contract as its spokesperson.

Wally did not make it to the event, or even remember that it was taking place. He was happily in bed that evening with Michael filming another video for their new OnlyFans account. Since he could no longer compete as a bodybuilder, Wally had been dropped by his management company and was free to pursue any line of work he wanted, and the revenue from this online service was way more than he expected it to be. 

Unlike Dylan and Ike, there were plenty of horny men around the world who wanted to see Wally the Big Ex-Jock get fed by his lover (he was now up to 10,000 calories a day), pleasure each other, and do all different kinds of things. The requests came flooding in, as did the cash, and soon Michael was able to quit his job and spend more time attending to Wally’s needs. Wally was finally getting the attention and adoration he had sought as a bodybuilder nicknamed The Wall, but this was 10 times more satisfying to him.

By the time of the contest, instead of being a ripped 240 pounds again, Wally had blown up to 440 very voluptuous pounds. His gut was now 64 inches around and sagged down to his knees, his ass was so big that he hardly needed to turn around to see it, and his once concrete thighs that were crisscrossed with veins now resembled melted ice cream cones.

He still went to the gym to lift weights in order to haul his new bulk around, but all his muscles were buried under the fat the was collecting all over his one-ripped physique. And every time he stepped on the scale at the gym and the number was higher than it was before, Wally smiled and then headed over to the juice bar for a handful or energy bars and a protein shake.

"Gotta build that wall," he would say as he gulped everything down.


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