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Clark decided to take the too-tight outfit off of his whale-like body, and every part of him seemed to jiggle and wiggle as he struggled with the supersuit. He was so weak in his current condition and the fabric was so tight that it took him twice as long to get the blasted thing off as it did in his attempt to put it on.

When he finally had it completely removed, Clark tossed the suit and the cape on the nearby bed, and after he did so, he noticed a small white patch in the sea of red on the cape. He reached down and realized a card had been tucked inside one of the secret compartments, and the action of tossing the cape must have jostled it from its hiding place.

The former hero looked at the small card, which contained a handwritten note: “Any problems? Call me.” After the note was a phone number Clark did not recognize.

Since he considered his current state of affairs to be a “problem,” Clark waddled over to pick up his cell phone and dialed the number. After several rings, a deep masculine voice answered, “Hello.”

“Um, hi, this is Clark Kent. I found your card.”

“Oh, Clark, hello!” said the voice with a much warmer tone. “This is Dr. James from the Justice League. How are you doing?”

Dr. James was the head of the Scientific Division at the JLA, and the person who had developed the process for Clark to store his powers in the suit after he requested his superhero sabbatical. Dr. James had risen quickly through the ranks of the division thanks to his incredible intelligence and was put in charge over the more experienced doctors at the young age of 28.

“Well, doc, I’ve had a few setbacks lately,” said Clark. He then unloaded the whole story of what had gone on the past few months and that he was too fat to fit into his suit and get his powers back. He also didn’t call the Justice League for assistance because he had been so embarrassed.

Dr. James listened to the whole story. “Clark, I’m sorry for what has happened, but trust me, you’re far from the first to experience problems. That’s why I slipped my card into the cape, so in case anything did happen we could discuss it discretely. I promise that nobody has to know about your current state, and I can definitely fix things for you.”

Clark smiled for the first time in a long time. “Really, Dr. James? That would be so wonderful!”

“Yes, but please, call me Matt. I’ll send you everything you need to get back to Washington DC, but don’t come to the Hall of Justice. I’ll meet you at my home just outside the city. You can leave everything there but please bring the suit.”

Clark agreed, thanked Matt, and then hung up. An hour later, Clark received a package at his front door with a variety of Big & Tall outfits he could wear for travel, and he received a text from the doctor with information on a flight that had been scheduled for him the next day.

24 hours later, after a first-class plane trip and a short Uber ride from the airport, Clark stood on the front door of Matt James’ home, which was situated on spacious grounds outside the DC metro area. He knocked on the door, and a few seconds later Matt opened it.

Clark had forgotten how good-looking the doctor had been. He was a little shorter than Clark at 6’1”, but he possessed a kind smile, handsome face, and athletic physique. “Thank you for coming, Clark.”

“I should be the one thanking you, Dr. Ja…, I mean, Matt. I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to serve as Superman again,” replied Clark.

“You most definitely will, Clark, and I promise you’ll be better than ever. Why don’t you come inside and we’ll get started?”

Clark entered and handed the suit to the doctor. “Are you going to help me diet down to fit back into it?”

Matt laughed. “Oh, goodness, no. I’ve got a special formula to help you shed the weight very quickly. Don’t tell anyone, but Bruce Wayne tends to be a bit of a hog…all those years as a billionaire, getting whatever he wanted, and he just cannot control himself at the dessert table. I have a special diet drink to keep him in the Batsuit. Let’s go into my private lab and we’ll get started.”

He led Clark through the foyer and down some stairs into a sterile-looking room filled with scientific equipment. Matt went to closest counter and stopped in front of it. “OK, first, let’s get you undressed. You can put your clothes on that chair over there.”

Clark should have felt embarrassed, but there was something comforting and calm in Matt’s voice that reassured him. So he did as he was told and took off his clothes to reveal his fattened body. Matt put his hand on Clark’s shoulder and told him, “Don’t worry, Clark. Everything is going to be fine.”

Clark looked over at Matt and smiled. Matt winked and smiled back, and then reached over to the counter, grabbed a beaker, and handed it to Clark. “OK, drink this down.”

The obese hero took the vial, chugged the drink, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand when he finished. "Not very tasty," he said.

Matt took the empty beaker from Clark and replied, "Well, I'll make sure to add some strawberry flavoring next time. How do you feel?"

Clark looked down at his body. "A little weird. I think it's working."

The formula was indeed working. Clark's fat belly and big moobs began to quiver, and then suddenly they started to shrivel away, just like rapidly melting ice would. The fat seemed to simply evaporate and his skin tightened up, leaving him with a tall, skinny frame. Clark could even look down and see his feet for the first time in over a month.

Matt looked on ecstatically as the transformation continued. In addition to Clark's chest and stomach fat disappearing, Matt noticed that his love handles, back fat, and giant ass were also shrinking. After about another minute, Matt estimated that Clark's body fat percentage had shrunk down to 2%, exactly how the formula was supposed to work. “How do you feel, Clark?”

Clark smiled, happy to finally be free of his fat prison. He was still tall, but his body weight must have dropped over 100 pounds in just under two minutes – even without his muscle, he was happy to no longer be obese. “I feel so much better!”

“Well, then let’s go all the way, shall we, and get that suit back on,” replied Matt, as he winked again. He handed the outfit over to Clark, who quickly and easily put it back on and snapped everything into place.

Clark didn’t have to wait long for a reaction – his powers started to come back right away. Superhearing, superbreath, and X-ray vision were all restored within seconds. Invincibility, flight, and superspeed returned. And best of all, Clark’s superstrength was coming back. Pound after pound of heavy, dense supermuscle started generating across his body – his chest heaved forward into two incredibly thick pecs with a deep valley in-between, his lats flared out, and his delts exploded with size and power. His arms, which had been packed with fat just a few minutes earlier, were now packed with 24 inches of supermuscle that could defeat any villain.

Clark’s lower half also transformed underneath his suit – his flat stomach hardened into a powerful 8-pack, and his superthighs that allowed him to leap tall buildings in a single bound also returned to their former glory. And without his fat pad taking up space around his groin, Clark’s supercock was resuscitated to 8 inches long when soft and 6 inches around.

“Oh, I was so stupid to give all this up just for a little fun,” said Clark. “Thank you, Matt, for making me super again. I did a quick check and all of my powers have returned. I’m ready to take on anything again.”

“About your sabbatical, Clark. I think I may have an idea that will allow you to have some fun without giving up your powers. I’ve been working on it the past few months and was curious if you’d like to give it a try?”

Clark looked over at the doctor and got a third wink. “Yes, but I don’t want my supercum to hurt anyone.”

Matt took Clark by the hand. “Come upstairs and let me show you.”

The couple walked upstairs and down a hallway, and then entered what appeared to be Matt’s bedroom.

“OK, so there are two issues that need to be addressed,” said Matt. “The first is that your invincibility makes it impossible for you to get aroused. My solution to that is this kryptonite lube. It’s made with a very low level of kryptonite dust that, if placed on your nether regions, should allow them to become stimulated. The second item I came up with in this supercondom, which I fashioned from scraps of fabric taken from the rocket in which you arrived on Earth. It should be able to hold all the supercum that your ejaculate and protect your partner.

Clark listened as Matt explained, and decided to go for it. “You’ve been right about everything all along, Matt. So I trust you with this as well. Would you be the one to, um, assist me?”

Matt nodded emphatically. “I’m very willing to oblige, Clark, as long as you think I could be stimulating enough.”

The hero leaned forward and gave the doctor a kiss on the cheek. “You’re just my type, Matt. Handsome, smart, and kind.”

The two both got undressed and hopped onto the bed. Matt suggested they start with a handjob, as it would provide him the opportunity to more closely watch the experiment than other forms of gratification.

Clark agreed and laid his head on the pillows while Matt applied the kryptonite lube to his supercock and then put on the condom.

“You ready?” Matt whispered. Clark nodded.

Matt spread Clark’s legs apart and sat between them on the bed. He put his left hand on Clark’s penis and his right hand under Clark’s balls and began to caress them.

Clark let out a soft moan as his cock began to rise. “I can feel it, Matt. It’s all tingly down there.”

The doctor continued rubbing the hero’s cock and fingering his balls. "I think I know why you wanted to get your powers back, Clark, and it’s not because you wanted to be a hero again,” he said.

“Why’s that?” asked Clark. He had closed his eyes as the sensations from below grew stronger.

"I'll tell you, Clark. I think you very much enjoy being a muscle stud. I think you secretly love it when your clothes are tight. I bet when you’re alone you love to flex those biceps and hope they continue getting bigger and more powerful. You just get excited about being huge, right?"

Clark nodded and moaned some more. “I would love to be as big as the Incredible Hulk.”

"I thought so," replied Matt, as he continued rubbing Clark's cock, which was so hot Matt could feel the heat through the thick condom. "I love it, too. I get horny when I see another guy growing big muscles, like you did just now. Sometimes when I go to the gym to work out, I end up spending most of the time ogling the other men as they pump iron."

Clark’s cock grew even more as blood surged into it. He could feel the cum tingling inside, ready to burst.

Matt continued. "And I only want you to get bigger and bigger – it's what you were made for, stud. I want to figure out a way for you to grow so huge that you are the biggest man in the universe. So much bigger than the Hulk that he feels puny next to you."

The doctor then squeezed Clark’s cock and balls with all of his might, and Clark couldn't hold back any longer. His supercum surged out for a good 30 seconds and completely filled the condom, and his big body bucked up and down for another 30 seconds before the intense orgasm finally began to subside.

Clark tried to speak after it was all over, but he didn't know what to say. He thought about getting up, but he just remained in place and continued to stare at Matt with a huge smiled glued on his face.

Matt smiled back. “You want to go for round two, or do you want to hear my ideas to grow your supermuscles even more?”


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