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An ancient family of wizards. The craft of the whole family has always been making and helping in the selection of wands. All sorcerers of the wizarding world buy their wands from their  magic store.

Simeon, like their ancestors, did not support the philosophy of purebred superiority and refused to raise their son - Melanthia - in the belief that the filthy bloods were the scum of the wizarding world. He believed that the Magic itself chooses its bearer and no one has the right to divide the sorcerers into purebred and the filthy bloods. But fate was cruel with them,and filled their lives with not very pleasant events, thereby making the once famous and powerful house a dull and gray semblance of it. Diodora, Simeon's wife, could not stand all the horror that fell on their family and committed suicide after drinking poison. After that Simeon moved away from the world of sorcerers, stopped making wands and began to lead a reclusive lifestyle raising his granddaughter, Sherl, alone. So far, the girl does not show any outstanding talents in sorcery. Maybe because she is forbidden to study at the School of Witchcraft and Mizardy, or maybe because she is simply mediocre.

Everyone in the magical world knows: the purer the clan, the greater the resource of the Magic will be owned by its descendants.

There are two dl options available so you can choose which one is the best for you:

- tray files and list with cc I've used

- tray files and cc in rar archive

(all credits to cc creators \\ cc is needed in order for the sim in your game looks the same as in the picture)



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