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HE LOVES GOLD!!!!! BC:SF aka the leading Austin Powers Collectible Card Game podcast wraps up the Powers portion of the Mike Meyers quartet of films as they discuss Austin Powers in Goldmember. Topics include: The cost of 20th century oxygen, David's Austin Powers name and early Wonka reports (and confirmation??) of Wonkquaman!

Movie Starts at 21:14


Ben Zaretsky

Who else wants the maestro pod to veer off course and become completely about salt burn?


Boys boys boys. You ragged the movie the whole time whilst laughing and admitting that bits were funny! What the hell boys!!??


How would you describe the problem that is modern superhero movies? I really get irritated when people bring up Spielberg or the Planet of the Apes movies or Westerns or Star Wars as gotchas, indicating that there has always been a precedent for this type of four-quadrant, franchise filmmaking... but the MCU (and DCEU) just feels different than those things but I have a hard time articulating why. How are modern superhero movies different or similar to the franchises that came before? Why does it feel worse now?